The physical evolution of human beings is now stopped but still the human race is under the natural evolution process, the process about which we are unaware. But unknowingly, we all are a part of the universal transformation process, to hit the ultimate aim of human life.

Life is given for a certain period of time. We just came to this earth for a limited amount of time. That time is also not in our hand! Our soul is immortal but our body grows and decays day by day. We may take a rest for a while but time & life does not wait for anyone. Time moves with its Aim. Life also moves with its Aim. But it's human, somewhere and at some point get stuck with Time & Life, and ask his/her inner self, “What is my Aim”? Why am I here? Is becoming a doctor, engineer, going abroad, aiming for my life? Then why am I not feeling satisfied at each and every step of my life? Why do I feel so incomplete? I got married, have family and kids. But still why I feel the emptiness, dissatisfaction, sometimes depressed and sometimes completely sad! Sometimes I have everything but still I feel lonely within my heart and I wish to cry!! And sometimes I have nothing but I want to laugh!!!!!
Each & Every moment we make new aims. And we struggle to achieve that. At each achievement, we experience a few moments of happiness. Again we set a new aim. This process continues till our last breath. When the body weakens, still the aim has made its room, in our mind. And we want our grandchildren to fulfill our Aim. Humans take birth after birth to fulfill their “aim of life”. But still they couldn’t understand their real Aim!!!! They couldn’t enjoy a life of peace & happiness in running after the “Aim of Life”!!!!
Today “YouAware” aware you of the “Aim of Human Life” and the evolution process of “Human Being” to achieve his/her real Aim.
Searching Own Self:
Birth after birth, the human being is searching his own self and his innate nature in this earth. He is trying to reach his ultimate potential and the full energy. Every day he is struggling with his own nature to become something out of this. He fights each & every moment with his weakness to prove his real capability. He wants to become something! He wants to express something! He wants to manifest things with his full power! But somewhere he is stuck with his own nature or obstacles from outside or any negative circumstances.
[Note: Here from “He” is not subjected to male person. Here, He means the human being, the individual entity, the soul entity which is trying to explore its full potential in this universe. The Gender and the Human body is the outer form but the same consciousness resides in everybody which has no Gender which is called as PURUSHA in VEDAS. So inside men, women & transgender the same “PURUSHA” dwells who wants to explore himself in totality.]
Suppose someone wants to crack the Medical exam or someone wants to become an entrepreneur. First he/she has to fight with his/her own natures i.e. fear, laziness and distraction. And he/she will try to wake up early; he/she will talk less, manage his/her time and concentrate on his/her work. They will focus only on their work without putting themselves in any other conflict.
And then consider the obstacles which come from outside like financial problems, criticism or some circumstances where some negative people spoil one’s wonderful work! But those who have firm determination and willpower; they prove themselves at each and every step of life with their hard work.
It means, through this worldly process, everyone wants to make something brilliant out of their own self. And these hurdles and obstacles are nothing but to make you realize your full potential.

For ex. As in the Olympiad, the hurdles are arranged one by one and runners have to jump all the hurdles one by one to prove his/her own potential. It is through the hurdles he/she is reaching their optimum potential. If there is no hurdle then there is no exploration of potential.
Self Realization:
So throughout life, this “I” wants to express his/her full potential. Those who sharpen their nature, senses with obstacles, pain, discipline and regulations they can only realize their full “I” potential and their “original self” which is called “Self- Realization” or “ATMA ANUBHUTI.”
Until humans have not explored their full potential, then the time & life, through the evolution process, will definitely make you realize your own self in multiple births. That’s why, “Yogi” and “Saints” always advise man to first “realize your own self”. They always emphasize that “Aim of Human Life” is to first realize your own self. That means realizing your own potential, your innate nature and real capability. Then whatever you will do, you will definitely get success.

Role of Master in Self Realization:
That’s why intellectual persons first search Guru, and then in Guidance of Guru, they observe celibacy and lead a life of self-control and self-discipline to become “Self- Realized” person. And after realizing their own self they either remain as “BRAHMACHARI” or they enter into “GRIHASTHA ASHRAM”. And they serve the World with purity and novelty with their skilled profession which is called “PURUSHARTHA.” By following their own self they are able to attain the four purpose of Human life i.e. RIGHTEOUSNESS, MONEY, POWER & LIBERATION.
[Note: Liberation is not meant to get “celestial happiness” after death. Liberation is a psychological state where the person goes beyond the suffering of mind. They have attained supremacy over mind. That’s why they are able to attain the highest bliss in this human body which every human being seeks with awareness or unawareness. ]
But today due to lack of this awareness, humans are not aware of their power, knowledge, and potential. Every time they are questioning themselves, what will I do? And what is next? What will be my future? They are running after the materialistic achievement to secure their future. They are trying to achieve happiness from sensual pleasure. But they are unaware of the infinite happiness in their “true self”! Birth after birth, they are ignorantly seeking their “own self” among all “other self!!!!”
End Point:
Self- Realization and Self-Meeting is the only aim of all human beings.
Through the Evolution process from era to era, a human is searching his/her own-self in this World.
Life, time and nature are nothing but the Divine phenomenon to make you realize your true self, your inside “I”.
Human life is nothing but an individual Journey from “I to I through I”.
“I” is driving life.
“I” is the ultimate impulse.
“I” is the supreme happiness.

The beginning is “I” and the end is “I” and to realize this “I” is the aim of human life.