Auroville is a place upon earth that no nation could claim as its sole property. It’s a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. We all must aware on the awesome city on its birthday and golden day.

As dawn is the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise, Auroville is the divine manifestation of an absolute human civilization in this earth. The civilization that every human being, every nation, every species dreams for but failed to achieve. Auroville is a place where men can live away from all national rivalries, social conventions, self-contradictory moralities and contending religions. It’s a place where human beings, freed from all slavery to the past, can devote themselves wholly to the discovery and practice of the Divine Consciousness that is seeking to manifest.
“ At last a place where one will be able to think only of the future.
At last a place where one will be able to think only of progressing and transcending oneself.
At last a place where one will be able to live in peace, without conflicts and without rivalries of nations, religions and ambitions.
At last a place where nothing will have the right to impose itself as the exclusive truth.”
The city where anyone from any part of the world can stay in unconditional peace, bliss, love and harmony and the only aspiration is the supreme joy. (Supreme joy is the joy which never expires. But material joy expires after its fulfillment and then seeks after another. )
Today in the world of conflict in family, surrounding, religion, politics, and in nation to nation, everyone seek a life of equality, expression, beauty, happiness, harmony and joy. But that can’t be achieved without an absolute human society where the main expression of every individual is to be human and promote humanity.
Experimental Township of Human Unity :
Auroville (City of Dawn) is an experimental township in Viluppuram district mostly in the state of Tamil Nadu, India with some parts in the Union Territory of Puducherry in South India. It was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa (known as "The Mother") and designed by architect Roger Anger. The citizens of Auroville are called as Aurovilian. The official language of Auroville is Tamil, English and French. And also Simplified Sanskrit is one of the preferred languages of “The Mother” to be taught at the schools in Auroville.
Aurovillian come from some 59 nations, from all age groups (from infancy to over eighty, averaging around 30), from all social classes, backgrounds and cultures, representing humanity as a whole. The population of the township is constantly growing, but currently stands at around 3,000 people, of whom approx one-third are Indian.
Auroville Mission Statement :
"Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity." (The Mother, Founder of Auroville)
“Auroville is a place where the needs of the spirit and the care for progress would get precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the seeking for pleasures and material enjoyments.” (Sri Aurobindo, Founder of Puducherry Ashram)

Note: Mirra Alfassa (21 February 1878 – 17 November 1973), known to her followers as The Mother, was a spiritual guru, an occultist and a collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, who considered her to be of equal yogic stature to him and called her by the name "The Mother". Mirra Alfassa was born in Paris on 1878 to a bourgeois family. In her youth, she travelled to Algeria to practice occultism under Max Théon. After returning, she travelled around the world and finally settled in Pondicherry, India with Sri Aurobindo and his followers. She founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and established Auroville as a universal town. She was an influence and inspiration to many writers and spiritual personalities on the subject of Integral Yoga.

Sri Aurobindo (born Aurobindo Ghose; 15 August 1872 – 5 December 1950) was an Indian philosopher, yogi, guru, poet, and nationalist. He joined the Indian movement for independence from British rule, for a while was one of its influential leaders and then became a spiritual reformer, introducing his visions on human progress and spiritual evolution.
At Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo developed a spiritual practice he called Integral Yoga. The central theme of his vision was the evolution of human life into a life divine. He believed in a spiritual realization that not only liberated but transformed human nature, enabling a divine life on earth. In 1926, with the help of his spiritual collaborator, Mirra Alfassa (referred to as "The Mother"), he founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
His main literary works are The Life Divine, which deals with theoretical aspects of Integral Yoga; Synthesis of Yoga, which deals with practical guidance to Integral Yoga; and Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol, an epic poem.
History of Auroville:
The concept of Auroville - an ideal township devoted to an experiment in human unity - came to The Mother as early as the 1930s. In the mid 1960s the concept was developed and put before the Govt. of India, who gave their backing and took it to the General Assembly of UNESCO. In 1966 UNESCO passed a unanimous resolution commending it as a project of importance to the future of humanity, thereby giving their full encouragement.
Auroville has its origins in the French language, "Aurore" meaning dawn and "Ville" meaning city. Additionally, it is named after Sri Aurobindo (1872–1950). At its Annual Conference in 1964 and with Mirra Alfassa as its Executive President, the Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry passed a resolution for the establishment of a city dedicated to the vision of Sri Aurobindo.
Alfassa was the spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, who believed that "man is a transitional being". Alfassa expected that this experimental "universal township" would contribute significantly to the "progress of humanity towards its splendid future by bringing together people of goodwill and aspiration for a better world." Alfassa also believed that such a universal township will contribute decisively to the Indian renaissance.
Auroville was born on 28 February 1968. During the Auroville inauguration in 1968, youth from 124 different nations and 23 Indian states, deposited a handful of their native soil into the Urn, a marble clad structure in the form of a symbolic lotus bud, located in the centre of the Amphitheatre (see below photo).

Note: The Auroville Charter - handwritten in French by the Mother - rests along with this soil, sealed in the Urn, as a powerful message and promise.
Auroville Charter:
Its founder, the Mother, created the Auroville Charter consisting of four main ideas which underpinned her vision for Auroville. When Auroville came into being, All India Radio (AIR) broadcast the Charter, live, in 16 languages. Aurovilians apply the ideas of the Auroville Charter in their daily life, in policy-development, and decisions, big and small. The Charter thus forms an omnipresent referent that silently guides the people who choose to live and work for Auroville. The Mother’s, Auroville’s 4 point charter is stated below.
1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But, to live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
2. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future. realizations.
4. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.
Living Aspects in Auroville:
Living Aspects in Auroville are set by its founder Mirra Alfassa which is stated below.
1. Unity, Harmony, Collaboration
Peace through human unity.
Unity through uniformity is an absurdity.
Unity must be realized through the union of the many.
Each one is part of the unity.
Each one is indispensable to the whole. You must all agree.
That is the only way to do good work. (The Mother)
Auroville is a city where people from all over the world live in harmony, striving to realize human unity and to be at the service of the Truth beyond all social, political and religious convictions.
2. Work and Discipline
Participation through meaningful work is an essential aspect of living in Auroville. Everyone is expected to take up an activity that corresponds to the needs of the community in harmony with the capacities, priorities and needs of each individual.
3. Money
The conflict about money is what might be called a “conflict of ownership”, but the truth is that money belongs to no one. This idea of possessing money has warped everything. Money should not be a “possession”: like power it is a means of action which is given to you, but you must use it according to… what we can call the “will of the Giver”, that is, in an impersonal and enlightened way. If you are a good instrument for diffusing and utilizing money, then it comes to you, and it comes to you in proportion to your capacity to use it as it is meant to be used. That is the true mechanism.(The Mother)
Auroville works on cashless economy. Aurovilians receive no money equivalent as ‘payment’ for their work and there is no circulation of money within the township, the community is responsible for providing for the regular needs of each person as much as possible.
4. Cleanliness
Cleanliness is the first indispensable step towards the supramental manifestation as said by the mother. So Aurovillians always do care for cleanliness.
5. Drugs
Drugs are prohibited in Auroville. If there are any who take them, they do it deceitfully. The ideal Aurovillian, eager to become conscious of the Divine Consciousness, takes neither tobacco, nor alcohol, nor drugs.
6. Relationship with Villagers
A relationship that is not only cordial but friendly with the inhabitants of the neighboring village is absolutely indispensable. For the realization of Auroville the first step is to establish a true human fraternity — any shortcoming in this regard is a grave mistake, which can compromise the whole work.
7. Religion:
Religion for every Aurovillans' is Spiritual Life.
The Mother said: It is in life and by living life entirely that one can live the spiritual life, that one must live the spiritual life. The higher consciousness has to be brought here. From the purely material and physical point of view, man is not the last race. As man came after the animal, so another being must come after man. And as there is only one consciousness, it is the same consciousness which having had the experience of man will have the experience of a superhuman being.
Sri Aurobindo told,” We should change life and experience the divine life hereitsself in human body but in superhuman consciousness.
It is in life itself that Aurovillians wish to find the Divine. And it is through this discovery that life can really be transformed.
Matrimandir (Special Attraction of Auroville):
The Matrimandir is the monument of spiritual significance for practitioners of integral yoga which is located in the centre of the Auroville. Matrimandir is called as the “soul of the city” situated in a large open space called peace.

It is in the form of a huge sphere surrounded by twelve petals. The Geodesic dome is covered by golden discs and reflects sunlight, which gives the structure its characteristic radiance. Inside the central dome is a meditation hall known as the inner chamber - this contains the largest optically-perfect glass globe in the world. The four main pillars that support the structure of Matrimandir are symbolic of the four aspects of the mother as described by Sri Aurobindo i.e. (Maheshwari (south pillar), Mahakali (north pillar), Mahalakshmi (east pillar) and Mahasaraswati (west pillar).
Birthday Bonfire:

On birth Anniversary of Auroville i.e 28th Feb, every Aurovillian and guests gathers at Amphitheater before sunrise.A big bonfire (down-fire in this case) is prepared and burnt before down,with special flower arrangements and inspiring recordings create an intense atmosphere of collective spirituality.
Note: On Sri Aurobindo's birthday (August 15) a big bonfire is also prepared. On the occasion of Mother's birthday (February 21) and sometimes on January 1st, and on leap years on February 29 (descent of the Supramental), people gather at Amphitheater for experiencing together in silence and concentration for the rising of the new day's sun.
Golden Day:
Golden Day also called as SupraMental Manifestation Day and the Day of Lord is celebrated on every leap year on 29th February since Feb. 29th, 1956 in every ashram of Sri Aurobindo in all over the world.
Feb. 29th, 1956 is believed to be The Day of the Lord as per the Sri Aurobindo and The Mother’s disciple.
It was found from the source, while Sri Aurobindo was in jail, Swami Vivekananda appeared before Him, gave Him the Gita and showed Him the Supermind. He did not tell Him how to reach the Supermind. It took Sri Aurobindo ten years to discover it. Like Buddha and Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo refused to accept moksha for himself while all the other souls languished in the darkness of the earth. One should reach Supermind and bring it down so that it would transform the earth - abolish Ignorance, suffering, evil and death. Sri Aurobindo said that if twelve or a hundred yogis reached the Supermind, it would descend on earth. He could not find anyone, other than the Mother. So, He decided to leave the body and work from the subtle plain.
In 1956 on February 29th, while Mother was in meditation at the playground with all the sadhaks, she saw a golden door and a golden hammer. She broke that door with the hammer. A Golden Light, the Supramental Light, flooded the earth. Up raised the earth’s tamas and swallowed the descending Force. Mother said, ‘‘Henceforth, February 29th will be the Day of the Lord.’’ It is known as Supramental day and celebrated once in four years. Auroville was founded a day prior to that day.
Note: Supramental Manifestation is the Day when the Consciousness-Force from the Supramental Dimension of Reality at last touched directly the Earth’s atmosphere activating the same characteristics of supramental vibration within the Earth itself.
Auroville Symbol:

The dot at the centre represents Unity, the Supreme. The inner circle represents the creation, the conception of the City. The petals represent the power of expression, realisation.
Note: In July 1999, the Government of India accorded special protection to the name 'Auroville' and its emblem under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of improper Use) Act 1950.
Auroville Flower:

Hibiscus 'Hawaiian':
Large single salmon-pink flower with pink center and pale pink aura, or medium to large single flower, each petal with subtle shades of yellow and apricot orange, light red center is the
"It urges us to live at its height."
We are all aware of the evolution process. The diversity of life on Earth today is the result of evolution. Life began on Earth at least 3.5 to 4 billion years ago, and it has been evolving ever since. At first, all living things on Earth were simple, single-celled organisms. Much later, the first multicellular organisms evolved, and after that, Earth’s biodiversity greatly increased. And then it stops with the best creature “Human Being”. But as per Sri Aurobindo the process of evolution will continue until unless the earth will be the best place to live in without suffering and agony. And that can only be achieved when the Human Consciousness will totally evolved and reach out to its full completeness i.e. the supreme consciousness where it can be completely free from all sorrow, evil, pain and death. And the state he called as “Super human being” and the life will be “Divine Life”. To proof this he transcends the supramental force to act upon the earth and set an experimental town “Auroville” where no nation, no religion, no politics and no caste rather everyone in Auroville will act under one truth i.e.Supreme Truth and one will i.e. Divine Will.