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Unemployment is a dominant cry of youths of entire globe. What is cause and Where is the solution?


Unemployment is one among the top 10 global issue. But what is the actual cause behind it and how it can really be overcomed? To know the answer read this article.

Unemployment is a dominant cry of youths of entire globe.
Unemployment is a dominant cry of youths of entire globe.

Unemployment is a major cry of youths around the globe. It produces a horde of unutilized talented brains. Due to lack of employment youths are attracted towards crime, drugs, terrorism, robbery and many illegal movements. Unemployment may cognate to “energy congestion” as the youth energy after passing of graduation could not routed to proper employment channel. Every year millions of students become graduated from different university but only 10 percentages of students get selected in campus. And rest 90 percentage of youth still struggle to find a suitable job.

The globe is falling back in creating a “Youth Employment Flow” system where the much graduates are generating that much engagement schemes is not available. The critical time has now arrived for the globe to do proper research on why the world is retrograding on the “employment of youth” and how the “substantial youth engagement model can be achieved?

Below discussed major reasons of unemployment and fruitful solutions to curb unemployment and implement an end to end cycle of “Youth Enrollment”.

Reason 1:

In a country as many graduates are produced each year that much jobs are not available. Suppose in a country 10 lakhs youth pass graduation per year, from them only 1 lakh are placed in job. The rest amounts of youth remain hopeless and become victim of unemployment. The failure of country in giving recruitment is due to lack of proper employment planning structure.

The country is lagging in proper estimation and utilization of its youth power only due to lack of proper ‘employment planning structure’.


1.The actual accountability of a developed and developing country is to properly channelize their youth capacity by generating more and more employment in each & every sector.

2.Every year like financial budget, an Employment planning structure should be created & made public to the citizens of the country for the transparent visibility of the future career of the students.

3.They should forecast the upcoming projects and the capacity of youth they are going to take starting from pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, different engineering, defense, public and private jobs.

4.There should also be substitution model based approach to engage more students in each segment.
5. A demand and supply chain based activities should be carried between the employment sectors and universities.

Let’s explain all the above points with an example. Suppose for the financial year 2021-22 an employment planning structure has declared as per the finalized project both in public and private sector.

As per the forecast, in year 2022, the employment capacity in civil and construction engineering will be 1 lakh, in computer and IT, 2 lakh and in electronics, 50,000. In banking the intake capacity will be 75,000, in civil services, 30,000 and etc. So as per the job requirement in 2022, the universities will take the students in the respective category and train them for the projects.There should also be a high cutoff for the intake of students. So that in a situation of over demand that surplus amount of students can be deployed.

Reason 2:

The second but the very core reason of unemployment is our faulty education system. The present education system failed to create a self employability skill and motivation in youth.

Self employability is the state of working for oneself rather than an employer. Self employed people generally find their own work rather than being provided with work by an employer, earning income from a trade or business they operate.

The present education system prompts students from the childhood to till graduation to score the mark, pass the exam, hold the degree and try for the job. It contemplates in the mind of student that aim of education is only job and without job there is no respect in the society. After passing the degree finally the student mindset is only to get job and be identified as a respected job holder in the society. One may have very good agricultural land or father’s own good set up business or any other independent way of income generation but these entire one ignore only to get a job.


Our education system should change the present curriculum. Instead of focusing on theory syllabus, it should concentrate on practical based self reliance techniques. So that after clearing the exam student will not struggle to find a job. Rather they should become self capable to directly earn from their own standup.

It should motivate students to utilize their talent and inventiveness to generate from their autonomy. It should also encourage students to solve the societal problem through their own resourcefulness.
And also the present mindset of youth and parents need to be change that the ultimate aim of study is not job. But the studied skill can be utilized in a multiple way for self income generation and to help the people surrounding you.

If you are mechanical engineer then by using your skill you can start from a very small mechanical equipment workshop as per the local need. Similarly if you are construction engineer then start from the practical implementation in small construction. If you are good in writing, then become writing instructor in your place.

But instead of looking at independent way of income generation and solving the societal problems through our competence, our single thought is to get a placement and secure a job.

Reason 3:

There are some sectors which are still undeveloped such as environment sector, agriculture, medicinal plant engineering, forestry, energy renewal and many more. These particular sectors require more youth, research and job. But instead of developing these undeveloped sectors, all the countries are more focused on mainly three to four sectors i.e. engineering, medical and pharmaceutical, construction, hotel management and etc.


Now the time has come to flourish the sectors which are never looked and always neglected. We can channelize the youths for progressing these sectors. For ex. climate change and environment protection which is biggest issue all over the world, agriculture where the population is increasing but sufficient food generation is not there, sea culture, water culture, forest culture, horticulture, botanical plants and medicinal herb productions, the orphanage sector, the poor and needy help centers. A lot of researches and employment is needed in these sectors.


Youth of the country are the future of the country

The peak time has arrived for the entire globe to really workout for solving the issues of unemployment rather than covering it in the headlines. All the countries should wholeheartedly take the responsibility to guide their youth mass in right direction. Each country should focus more on employment generation in each & every possible sector and route their youth. Self employability skills should be introduced in the course curriculum to empower the youths from their own credit. The inventiveness of the youth should be utilized in solving the major societal issues and generating money through self autonomy. Then every country can see the real growth with the gradual fall in the unemployment rate.


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