Religion is a pious & righteous way of living. But due to communalism, day by day, all over the world, violence is rising in the name of religion. Before the new year, let's remove the wall of communalism over religion and establish religious harmony.
Now we are living in such a world where each & every moment we find the news on communal violence where one community fights with another community for their respective religion establishment. Sometimes the fight goes to some extent where over the night; one community people burn the other community people. They do not see at that moment how many innocent children, old age people, sick and women die by screaming. The only fault of them is that they belong to another community! All over the world, day by day, the fight between communities is raging.
One community says that our religion and our ideology are best and all other religions are false. Similarly other communities say that our principle and our God is the only God. And all other Gods and theories are forged. Like this, from the day we experience the world, we see the conflict between society in the name of God, religion and philosophy. We also read out many historic evidence of cruel torture of one community to other community for their blind belief, negativity and narrow mind!!!
[Communalism is a significant social issue all over the world. It is found in almost all the continents like Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Australia. And it is a major issue in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Communalism is a term used in the world to denote attempts to construct religious or ethnic identity, incite strife between people identified as different communities, and to stimulate communal violence between those groups.]
From the past civilization to till the modernized current civilization, the issue of communalism is continuing. And Day by day the issue is becoming more prevalent. But still the society has not found any concrete solution for communalism and how to establish religious harmony. But before fighting with each other everyone must understand the true meaning of all religions and the real aspect of God. And who has created this religion?
Today “YouAware” will take a very simple but a deep survey. Are we really aware of the value of religion and what is the significance of following religion? And after this survey, we will discuss religion in its true sense, the purpose of all religions, God’s real aspect, the reason behind communalism and how to establish religious harmony in this World.
[Disclaimer: We are aware that religion is a very sensitive issue and of every individual’s own personal belief. Our aim is not to hurt anyone’s belief system, rather create such awareness that after words “religion will no more be a sensitive issue rather “religion” will be a broader issue where everyone can safely follow their religion under one roof without any conflict and struggle.]
So just take a simple but a very meaningful survey on this.
If you ask anyone what is religion?
They might say: the name of any religion: they are following like Hinduism or Islam or Sikh or Christianity or Buddhism and etc.
If you ask the next question why do you follow religion?
Then you might find some moments of blankness and then multiple answers may come
I follow this religion because I am born in this religion.
Some may answer; I follow this religion because my parents follow this religion.
Some may answer; I follow this religion because I believe in this religion.
Some may answer; I don’t follow any religion because I could not understand what religion is.
Some may answer, is it necessary to follow any religion? I am leading a very wonderful life with my family!!! What is the necessity of following any religion??? And moreover I am happy that when people fight over religion at that time, I say, I don’t follow any religion.
But there are very few who understand religion in a real prospect. And only for those people, this World has survived today! Otherwise we all might have been killed or following the “No religion” principle!!!
So let’s discuss religion in reality, the purpose of all religion, God’s real expression, the reason behind communalism and how to establish religious harmony in the World.
Religion in Reality:
Religions are a spiritual path to know your body, mind and spirit, understanding the purpose of life and follow the spiritual discipline to control the senses and transform the inside demonic nature of hatred, greed, jealousness, anger, lust, lie to the ideal human nature of truth, righteousness, peace, love and compassion.
“The basic purpose of all religion is to make the human belief in a supreme, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God who is all powerful, kind and merciful. He is the creator, controller and influencer of this entire universe. And the aim of all religion is to make the human being devoted and surrender to the Divine, to leave their ego in totality and kill their devil quality such as brutality, selfishness, enmity, sensuality and develop the human values such as love, generosity, goodwill, non-violence and self-sacrificing to serve the society as a servant of God by seeing God in everyone.”
“The essence of all religion is to be human and serve humankind. “
But today due to lack of self-interest people are not following their religion in the real sense. They are not reading their scriptures to understand what their religion has said?? In every religion, scriptures are God’s direct address to humans regarding God, God’s creation, the purpose of human life, why individual suffering and the universe principle. But people are not following the religious conduct mentioned in scriptures to purify their own deed and act and unfold the ultimate Human possibility i.e. Self-Realization. Rather people are interested to fight in the name of religion instead of knowing the truth behind the religion.
Who has created Religion?
When Lord Buddha has come, he has not come to establish any religion. He only propagated how humans can get rid of their own suffering. He advised people to follow the path of righteousness and achieve liberation. It is the people, who were inspired by Buddha and Buddha’s message, they followed Buddha’s word and discipline to attain God. Followers of Buddha have created Buddhism and they worshipped Buddha and Buddha’s teaching to purify their own Karma and attain “Nirvana”. Similarly followers of Mahaveer Jain have created “Jainism.”
Similarly Lord Jesus while he came on this earth, he spread the message of “Love of God'' among people. He gave the message how people should compassionate to each other to get the “Grace of God. ” But Lord Jesus also had to face the cruelty of “communalism” and brutally assassinated by the then atrocity and conservative people. But after that its people only who followed Jesus word and his advise on “Love of Divine Wisdom.” And then “Christianity “religion have been introduced in this world.
If you thoroughly research neither God nor the messenger of God or Guru has created any religion. It’s only people who have created religion by following them. It’s not at all bad to create religion or to follow any religion. But we all must understand the real message in that religion as all messengers or Guru have always said that
“God is one and He is Omnipresent.”
God’s Real Aspect:
Before discussing the absolute truth existence, that is beyond human imagination, but the entire universe obey his command, has also expressed himself, everywhere from the tiniest plant to the largest mountain, the one who is beyond any experience, can only be experienced through devotion & love, the one who is not seen, can only be seen when we open our inner eye and then only we realize, the whole world is nothing but only the Divine.
Before discussing God’s real aspect, first understand who is God? And have you seen God?
If you ask this sensible question in this communalism world, then within a fraction of second, you will see people from all religions will start debates on God and they will say their God is only God. And they don’t obey all other Gods. And within a few minutes of debate, you will see there will be violent acts like they will burn the poster of another community God and then within a few moments, communal violence will happen in the society!!!!!
But intellectual persons from every religion always advise people not to act ignorantly. First obey God’s word i.e. non-violence which is mentioned in every religion.
Now come to the awareness point of view, if you ask common men, have you seen God? Then the answers which will come from the ground that will make everyone realize “Who is God? “
1. Some will answer, God is formless who is ever powerful and no one can see the God in the Human eye.
2. Some will answer, yes God is in temple or church or monastery.
3. Some will answer, yes, for me God is parents.
4. Some will answer, yes, for me God is a teacher, for whom today I am here.
5. Some will answer, yes, for me God is a true friend.
6. Some will answer, yes, for me God is the doctor who saved my life in that operation.
7. Some will answer, yes, I have seen God but he came as a stranger who saved my life in that road accident. For me, he is God.
8. Some will answer; yes, I have seen God in animals. They couldn’t speak. But they love me more than any worldly person.
9. Some will answer; yes, I have seen God in Nature. For me God is this beautiful earth, Sea, River, Sun, Moon, Trees, Plants and flowers.
10. And some will answer, yes; I have realized God within my heart.
In this earth, if you ask each and every person then you will get billions of expressions of God. And all these expressions are positive, humanitarian and divine. Everyone has not seen God, but they have experienced God through kindness, sympathy, help, gratitude, love, humility and knowledge. And all have sensed God in human, nature, animal and in religious places. It signifies the omnipresence of God in each & individual entity.
But due to our limited knowledge we experience God in one form but we can never deny the existence of God in another form. We might not be able to see God in other forms but God exists in various forms for other spiritual seekers.
Those who truly believe God and true followers of any religion they do believe God in other forms and respect also other religions. Because they are aware that this entire creation and the entire creatures is nothing but the single Divine’s expression. And the same Divine is present throughout this universe. Its devotee and seeker’s devotion that which Divine form is his/her beloved form where his/her surrender will be total which is called Isthabhakti or Divine Union.
Reason behind Communalism:
“Communalism can only be avoided when we respect other religions. “
Communalism is nothing but the result of a nescient mind where people become so fundamentalist that they adore their belief system and they condemn other’s belief system. It’s only due to the lack of inward realization. They only stuck them in rituals which slowly develop as ego.
And sometimes communalism is also due to insecurity of “religion extinct” so they forcefully impose or bias other communities to convert them into their religion.
But we should always remember that “in which religion we have taken birth i.e. the God’s given religion to realize our own self and God. We descend in that religion according to our birth after birth soul’s aspiration and our individual Karma. But without understanding the phenomenon behind religions, people change their own religion. Because they are unaware i.e. all religion leads to Single God.
Note: In every religion, there is possibility of realizing God if we truly follow our own religion.
Religious Harmony:
All religions are leading us to the same God but our paths are different. The One God who is formless has also taken multiple forms as per their devotee wish. Some are worshipping him as Buddha, some as Jagannath, some as Allah, some as Kali, some as Guru and some as Jesus. The way, we love our God’s lovable form, in the same way, others love their God’s beloved form. But inside all one single God is present. So when we love our God and we hate others God means we disrespect the same God. If we think God is all powerful then how can we refuse the same God to take another form???
Ø If you are a follower of Sanathana then must understand the real meaning of Sanathana and see Ishwar in everyone.
Ø If you are follower of Islam then must understand the real meaning of Islam and see Allah in everyone.
Ø If you are a follower of Christianity then must understand the real meaning of Christianity and see God in everyone.
Because the true religious see their beloved God in everyone. If we see our beloved God in everyone then we can never be cruel to others, we can never disrespect others, we can never harm others. In this way we can establish the religious harmony in society by following our own religion, our own philosophy but our experience will be no longer narrower but it will be broader, our heart will be pure. And love and compassion will shower in the society by experiencing our own Divine image throughout the WORLD.
“Religious harmony can only be established by realizing the Divine in every being.”