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Coronavirus: A Collective Human Suffering & Nature’s Call


The devastating condition of the Coronavirus Pandemic has raised one question in everyone’s mind why there is so much suffering and how to get rid of suffering.

Coronavirus: A Collective Human Suffering
Coronavirus: A Collective Human Suffering

Since last year the world has been suffering from the terrific Coronavirus Disease. Within one or two year Corona disease will definitely subside. But can the World be free from Suffering??? From the day human civilization has started, in one or other way the World is suffering. The world is suffering from Natural Calamities in the form of Cyclone, Tsunami, Earthquake, Flood, Pandemic, and accidents. So if we will deeply examine there is no end of Human suffering. If we will make some way to get control over floods or pandemics, then suffering comes from another way in the form of landslides, temblor, tsunami, or asteroids. Similarly today through scientific inventions, we may get rid of Corona but another set of sufferings will come in their way. So now this is the very crucial time for the entire Human Civilization to think about Human suffering and is there any end to suffering or Nature wants to say something to us through suffering????


Suffering, the word is generally associated with individual karma and consequences. Suffering is very individual according to each person’s own karma. It is a general saying that your Karma becomes your suffering. If you do bad karma then as consequences you have to suffer on this earth. Every Individual Suffers from bad health/ poor wealth/ ill luck/ broken marriage/poor family relationship, etc. If we sit to count the individual suffering then our paper may finish but the list of suffering will not be finished.

Collective Suffering:

Similarly there is a collective suffering which is associated with collective people karma and consequences in which many innocents also suffer. Collective Human Suffering happens through Natural Disaster like Flood, Cyclone, Tsunami, Earthquake, Drought, Fire and Pandemic which affect a large range of human lives and also through a longer span of time.

Collective Human Suffering & Natural Disaster
Collective Human Suffering & Natural Disaster

Collective Suffering & God:

Many philosophers linked suffering & Disaster to the curse of God. But how many of us have seen God? So it’s really escaping when we blame unseen God for the massive suffering!!! But most of the people have realized God through Nature. When the Sun gives us the light, when the wind flows, when water quenches our thirst, when fruits relax our hunger and when moon breezes our night, we feel God's touch through this. However it’s our own collective karma which bounces back to us in the form of Natural Disasters & Pandemic.

Collective Karma & Nature:

Nature has provided every essential thing for us like water, air, rain, sunlight, oxygen and food to live on this earth. Nature also amuses us with beautiful flowers, birds, animals, sea, river, hill and mountains!!! But when human beings out of greediness, cut the trees, build apartments on agricultural land, blast mountains, kill innocent animals, burn forests, become extremely materialistic and ignore nature, at that time all these ecological imbalances happened, for which we have to take only the consequences. It’s not the act of a single man, but we all are responsible and contributors towards this.

Accumulated Karmas & Natural Disaster:

Man may have the materialistic power but have forgotten the creator of all matters, from which we are deriving all enjoyments!!! She is no one…… She is nature, the Universal Mother. All the worldly things from which we derive pleasure like Food, beverage, clothes, house, and holiday places have all drawn from nature.

So when human civilization crosses every limit in sabotaging the natural resources of nature, the universal mother exercises her power in the form of natural disaster!!!!

[Disclaimer: Here Man does not specify only to male human beings. The word Man is used to address the collective human being or human race which includes all gender. ]

Lets aware of our Collective Karmas & Nature’s Call

1. Extreme Materialistic:

Man has become extremely materialistic that everyone wants to enjoy their life to the full extent till they are alive!!! Everyone wants to fulfill their desire at the present moment without any thought on its consequences. No one wants to control their sense and lust. Due to extreme modernization and loss of self control, man has become so passionate to live in the outer world and love to have parties, functions, trips and other enjoyments. Every Human Being is very much anxious to derive all kinds of happiness from the outer world!!!!!!

That’s why, day by day selfishness, cruelty, inhumanity and degradation in social value has raged. The collective materialistic feeling and thought process has come to such an extent level that food adulteration, crime, murder, rape, corruption, Wars, terrorism, has increased rapidly. The extreme thought of material, making the human, inhuman for others!!!!

Nature’s call - Inward Realization:

Corona has stopped all materialistic enjoyment. We have never imagined such a day on this earth where we have to be locked down and stay isolated from our friends and relatives!! And even, one point will also come, where we have to stay isolated from our family members also!!!!

Nature’s call for the individual man, to the whole civilization, is to think inwardly and spend some time with him/her. Previously human beings were not so dependent on outer things for their happiness!!! They are inwardly aware of their bliss and most of the time busy in selfless service. They prefer to stay alone as they are intellectually content from mind and body.

Nature’s Demand is to know the reality behind the worldly pleasure which is transitory and realize the inner self which is the permanent source of happiness.

2. Audacity:

Man has become so adamant that instead of one house, he is buying 5 houses, instead of one car, he is buying 5 cars, instead of necessary food items, he is ordering much more lavish items and wasting food. Where we can manage with very basic things, there we are misusing many things!!!

Nature’s Call - Necessity:

Due to our collective karma of over consumption, we are provided only with essential services in Corona period. Only what was essential were available but all other luxuries were restricted. Nature’s call is whatever fundamental and required for livelihood that much only we should consume. For staying, one house, for living some food & milk, go outside only when it is necessary, eat only homemade food, and purchase only needed things.

Nature's call is simple living but high thinking. But today we are living complicated lives with narrow thinking.

3. Ruler Man:

Man is thinking that he is the ultimate ruler of this planet earth. Not only do they want to rule on earth, but also they want to rule over the entire universe! That’s why man is demolishing natural deposits like forests, mountains, polluting the sea and river, killing wild animals, eating innocent animals and birds. Man is becoming so merciless that they are not hesitating to kill other human beings also!!!

Here whatever is happening, it’s due to the accumulated karmas in the Universe. When the ruler man’s torture goes beyond his limit, at that time the ripen fruits of karma have to taken by the man itself!! In the consequences, an invisible virus has viciously taken the lives of millions of people!! The entire human civilization weapon with technology has felt helpless against the invisible virus, that they have to be locked and fear that the virus may attack them, as like poor animals in a cage and feeling helpless that when their term will come to be killed by man.

Nature’s Call - Planet is everyone’s:

This planet is everyone’s. We are just a guest on this earth like other creatures. Universal Mother has provided everything for the visitors on her planet. But when we forget this and think of the earth as a permanent house and damaging everything for our use, then the consequences will be like this.

4. Industrialization & Deforestation:

This 21st century is also called the industrial age or digital age. Here in this age, we are more attracted to technology, industry, mobile and laptops than the natural artifice like flowers, plants, trees and forest. We are more attracted towards AC blow than the natural wind. Every artificial facility we want at our home starts from food, gym, pool and entertainment. And at the same time we are much more ignoring the value of nature.

Previously people loved to spend some time with nature. They use their time in plantation and farming. People worship trees, as trees save lives of people by giving shelter, food, oxygen and rain. There are many scientific herbs and trees who provide the maximum amount of oxygen to us.

Due to excessive mechanization, many forests are despoiled and many valuable trees are cut down. Acute air pollution is happening through this industry due to uncontrolled elimination of Carbon Dioxide. But there are not that many forests to absorb the Carbon Dioxide and produce Oxygen for us. We are also responsible for this. Where we can walk or do the work by cycle, at that time we are riding bikes and cars, and contributing Carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Nature’s Call - Vital Oxygen:

Now in this Coronavirus Pandemic situation, Oxygen scarcity is the major issue where lots of people are dying out of oxygen. We have so many industries but still we could not supply the oxygen cylinder to our people!!!!!!

Nature’s cry is to think about the most vital thing for life i.e. air and oxygen. Without water and food a person can survive for some days. But without air and oxygen, we can’t survive for a moment. Now it’s the high time for us to take care of the most indispensable part of our life i.e. air and oxygen.

We all have to work for tree plantations and try to make our environment green and reduce the use of things which contribute more towards air pollution.

5. Human Ego:

Ego is such an attribute of Human character that with little achievements he thinks himself as all powerful. And to satisfy ego, he starts acquiring others. Similar case happened with human civilization, due to technology and modernization; man forgot his human behavior and duty towards his subordinates and other creatures and started tormenting others in the name of development and progress.

Nature’s Call - Respect All Powerful Nature:

But we all should remember one truth, that Nature is all powerful and it is her creation and we, the human beings, are simple creatures in her creation abide by a certain time period within birth and death. When we kill animals, cut trees, we don’t feel anything within our heart!! similarly when mass people die on the earth, nature also never feels anything within her heart..!!!! Because it’s all our collective karma which returns to us in one or other way of natural disaster. So if we really want to get rid of corona then we all must collectively pray to Nature God to forgive us for our past deeds.

“Oho, Mother nature, we promise that we will obey you and your rules and never harm you for our own sake. From today we promise that we will work to heal you and protect all your creation. Thy conservation is our only protection.

Only One Solution Nature Conservation:

Nature Conservation is not a single man’s responsibility. It is the responsibility of everyone. Everyone has to contribute their work towards nature. Whether Government body or private body, they first should think for the environment before doing any scheme for Industry. All judicial bodies also should work for the conservation of natural wealth. Because it’s the human, on which the responsibility of the lower species and natural resources has been handed over as no other species on this earth can’t speak and express their rights.!

But when we compromise on this for selfish desires then we are compromising not only with others life but also with our own life. Because when any calamities or suffering comes then before her no one is rich and no is poor. The justice of nature is equal to everyone despite money, status, designation and religion. And if we will not be aware from today, then much more calamities and collective suffering are waiting on the list, like Food scarcity, Water Scarcity and Oxygen Scarcity because these are the most essential things, on which human life depends on!!

Now the choice is upon you to work for the essentiality or for the modernity.


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