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Cyclone Fani has aware us on many unaware things.


Cyclone fani has severely damaged the Indian state Odisha. Five district of Odisha are highly affected . But due course of time fani has aware people on many unaware things.Please read in details.

Trees has sacrificed their life in Cyclone Fani
Trees has sacrificed their life in Cyclone Fani

Cyclone fani has severely damaged the Indian state Odisha. Five district of Odisha are highly damaged due to fani that are Puri, Khurda, Cuttack, Kendrapara and Jagatsinghpur. Due to the effort of State and Central Government 12 lakh people are successfully evacuated from high alert zone to safe shelter place. But 1 lakh 56 thousand electric grid and phone towers are severely tormented due to fani. Fani has smashed lakhs of trees. There is no current and water supply for people in this area. Government is working day and night but still it will take time to again reconstruct & resettle all the things .But due course of time fani has aware people on many unaware things which require everyone's concern.

1. Technology is nothing in front of natural calamity:

In this 21st century, which is also called as technology century, people have completely forgotten the nature and the beauty of nature. Now the entire global population has confined themselves in a 12 inch laptop and 6 inch mobile. People are thinking that the entire world is within this so no more requirement of nature. We don’t need any tree, flower, river, sea, mountains, animals and birds. Our whole day starts with good morning on social media and computer and ends with goodnights in social media. But we forget one thing that when earthquake, super cyclone and tsunami comes then where building, bridge, tower, grids are nothing in front of them who will ask about these laptops and mobile. Because technology runs with the electric current and when current will be not there then what will be the operation of technology?

2. The importance of Village:

Now in this modern era everyone wants to stay in city as all the modern amenities and facilities are available in cities only. But this time fani has damaged heavily the city part of odisha. Due to severe loss in electric grid and substation there was no current in that city for some days. We can only get the cool wind in AC and water from water supply when there is current. But when current will be not there due to massive breakdown, how city people will adopt the bad days? Many people from the capital of Odisha have flown to their native village. At least in village there is tube well,well and pond for water. Trees are there in villages to shower cool bridge. Man can adjust in everything but without water and air man can’t survive up to one hour.

3. How trees have sacrificed their life to save our life:

Trees are always worshipped from the ancient time as the protector and savior of life. Tree gives us oxygen. Tree gives us shelter from sun. Tree gives us cool bridge. Tree always protects us from cyclone and flood. Many times many people has saved their life with the help of a trunk of a tree in serious flood. Especially in sea beach area there were several trees provided by nature to protect land people from the sea waves. But people has cut own these trees from beach only to make hotels and business. That is the reason there is no speed breakers for cyclone and flood. In case of cyclone trees always stands in front of wind to protect us. The similar example has shown in cyclone fani. Remaining lakhs of trees has sacrificed their life in order to save us. Suppose this much of trees will be not there to give break to the speed of the wind then what will be the situation of the house?

For developing infrastructure we are destroying trees day by day. We are not at all thinking the hilarious effect on lives when nature will show its anger on us, which we destroy anonymously for our comforts & luxuries.

4. The importance of landline:

With the advent of technology we are forgetting the value of old technology. Similarly with the rising of 4G we have forgotten the value of landline phones. In the cyclone fani where the big towers are simply on the floor at that time landline whose cables are rooted under the ground has saved from the cyclone fani. When 4G failed at that time only those who have landline they were connected to people.

5. The importance of small 2G phones:

With the advent of android 4G phones now no one is keeping the small handy 2G mobile phone. But the cyclone fani has aware us the value of this small 2G phone when this big android phones are lose their charge within one hour at that time this small phones keep their charge for 7 days which helped lot of people for connectivity.


Many times the question comes in our mind why this kind of natural calamity comes in the earth. The reason of this is only to aware human being that nature is the most powerful and we are nothing but simple as ants in front of nature. Nature has given us the most vital and essential elements to us without which we can never survive for a single moment ie. Air, Water, Earth, Sky and Fire. But forgetting the real power of nature when we are destroying our nature then only we have to face it’s anger. And the second reason is nothing is permanent in this world sometime we are so engrossed in the present situation we completely forgotten the consequences coming in future. And third reason is always look back those who are wiser they also look back when they do progress. Similar situation applies here also when we are progressing towards city and latest technology we are forgetting the value of village and older technologies .So wiser person always says look back when we are moving further and restore the village and protect older methodologies because we don’t know when we have to come back again for two hundred or three hundred years old methodologies to start with.

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