Data is the most important asset in this digital world. Your data identifies you but you can't identify your data. So know your data, importance of data and data crime.

The emerging data world, where your data identifies you, but you can't identify your data. The sentence might be looking very surprising but it is the reality. Let’s segregate the sentence, proof it one by one practically and then you will be more astonished. So let’s first discuss the first part of the sentence i.e. "Emerging data world".But before going to the data world, let’s first understand, "what a data is"?
"Data means information .But information may be informal and inaccurate. However data is the formal, precise and accurate information on any particular phenomenon.And data is always stored in a computer device."
For ex. School data, it contains all the formal, valid and precise information regarding school i.e. school registration number, address, the principal name and contact details, all the teaching and non teaching staff details, all the students details as per their class, course curriculum, exam,result, extracurricular activities, cultural and annual function details. And if other valid information is there, that can also be added in the school data.
I hope, now you have got a general idea about ,"what a data is"? Now let’s discuss about the individual, personalize private data on basis of which we are singled out in the globe.
Personal Data:
In this digitalized era, Government prefers to keep its citizens personal information in data format .For ex. to identify the individual citizen of the country ,Government has provided us with unique Aadhar card , PAN card , driving license and voter id card number. Similarly bank identifies its customer through bank account number. Bank provides the unique 16 digit debit and credit card for individual account accessibility. So in this computer world the individual personality are individual data with the corresponding set of their own personal data.
For ex. let’s talk about Mr. Ashok’s personal data who resides in Mumbai city of India.

So like MR. Ashok we all have one set of "Personal Data" .which includes your "Identification Data and Bank Data".Similarly you might have other valid data such as passport, property registration and many more data as per the individual requirement. Now I think the question of "what is data" , "what is our personal data" and how the individual is converted into data is clarified.
The entire globe has as many individual that many data. That's why the "emerging data world".
To know more on Personal data also read: "Personal Data, Sensitive Personal Data and Personal Identity Information are three gems."
How Data Identifies You?
But still the doubt exists in our mind that how data identifies us? Let’s clarify this with example: If you are going to bank then first you have to tell your account number. If you go simply into bank and tell I am Mr. Santosh, no one will entertain you until unless you tell your account number. That means your bank account number identifies you in bank. Similarly when you are doing any financial transaction then you have to first enter your card number. When you provide your card number to system i.e. suppose 1234 then the system recognizes you as an authenticated user. Without providing the card number you won’t be able to do any financial transaction. That implies when you provide the card details data then the system identifies and authenticates you to do any financial transaction.
Data can't be identified by you.
Let’s just proof it in action. We all are using 3 to 4 debit and credit card but how many of us remember the 16 digit card number present on the card? Everyone is having all the identity proof that may be pan card or driving licence or aadhar card. But how many of us can say the 10 digit Pan Card number or 12 digit aadhar card number?
Importance of Data:
Now no more you are important but the really important thing is your data. Data means your personal and private details i.e. your identity proof details, bank account details, debit and credit card details. Dearer ones may be your card is in your wallet, your all identity proof is in wallet but if your data has been hacked then within a fraction of second all your belongings, all your bank balance and even if your property everything can be robbed or transferred to some other person’s name . No one will believe it’s a robbery or crime because it is not a physical robbery but it’s cyber robbery or crime by using our data.
Cyber crime using our Data:
For example: You are using your debit and credit card details in many sites in internet. Also you provide your personal details in those sites. Now suppose someone has hacked your debit and credit card details like your 16 digit card number, your card expiry date and CVV code. Then you might keep your card in your wallet but using these card details any one can shop, payment his own bills, transfer the amount also or do any kind of financial theft.
At present any financial transaction does not demand your physical presence. Only your card detail is enough to initiate any transaction which is called Card Not Present (CNP)Transaction.
And when you report this fraud instance in your corresponding bank, the bank says all your data input is correct. Your data says that you have done this or you might have shared these details. But how can you proof that the data’s are correct, but neither you shared the data nor you did the transaction. How pathetic is the situation that someone has hacked our data and done the fraud. But as all the data are our own data, we have to bear the penalty. "Card Not Present Transaction entice cyber fraud transaction".
Note: Now compromising the data in apps is attracting the cyber crime. "Cyber Crime through Apps is raging,need Government and Citizen awareness".
How to keep your Data Secure?
Our data is our responsibility. For this reason we should all aware on what data is, how important is our data, how to keep our data secret.
All we should try to use our data only in very limited and authenticated sites. As in our Grandfather era they share their data with Government departments and trusted bank authority. That is the reason they were much safer than us.
Keep your greediness away from ‘Rs.50 off in 2 pizzas’, if you order from this site or ‘Rs.500 off in flight ' if you book from this site. In this greediness we are sharing our heard earning saving account data and finally falling prey of cyber hackers.
Before sharing our valuable data we should validate the resource where you are going to compromise our account and personal data.
Now it’s high time that Government should also put some necessary steps on “Data awareness” and “Data security” for safeguarding entire nation’s money as India has several times become victim of cyber castrate where innocent citizen’s self hard earning money has looted in the daylight.Also the entire globe should come forward for "Data Protection and Privacy" as all the nation around the globe has the same issues of "Data Breaching"..
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