Recently the Afghan Crisis has shaken the whole world where the humanity is under danger, women and children are brutally tortured and terrorism is on peak. But the whole world is silent!!!

Today the world is full of educated people. The global literacy rate for all people aged 15 or above is 86.3%. But still the globe is facing numerous problems, the problems of terrorisms, human trafficking, religious conflict, corruptions, inequality, discriminations, women exploitation, child labors and many more such unaddressed issues. So now the question arises, is this entire problem arising due to the remaining 24 percent of illiterate people or due to the educated people?
The answer to the above question is very clear. What we thought 100 years back that we will make the entire globe educated on that target we have somehow achieved. But we failed to create that much percentage of real human beings!!! That’s why still the world is facing a lot of inhuman activities like murder, rape, intolerance, genocide, enslavements, forcible transfer of mass population, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds.
Today “YouAware” will discuss the global issues and the failure in projection of the education system in handling humanitarian affairs.
The root cause of all these problems is only that the world is short of virtuous individuals. The world is witness of, whenever a single human being has taken forward the march against the inhumanity, at that time millions of people get released from the pain and torture of violence and barbaric activities. These great real humans are Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King and many more. But the proportion of honest humans is very less and rarest.

Now the question arises what should we do to generate true humans, so that the world crisis and the crime against humanity can be addressed.
The only way to create sincere human beings is through education based on morals, service and compassion. Education should not be profitable, income generated and attitude based education. How to behave with women, children, elder citizens, how to practice non violence, how to serve the sick and poor, how to create a peaceful environment, how to restrain from drug habit and bad company should be taught from the teenage.
Humanity chapters and real exercise of humanity should be practiced from the very childhood to till the graduation. The more education will be pursued the more humanity should be adept. So that the egoless mind will develop and where there are fewer egos there will be more peace and harmony.
Despite all religion, when good humanity based moral education will be seeded in the child then the world will be in the shade of a big crown tree.

Now the time has come that the entire world should focus on the generation of supreme humans which the world is missing. Each country’s human rights commission should come out to sow the seed of humanity from the very beginning in the child rather than exercising the powers at the end when inhuman activity already happened!!!!! The universe should enact to increase the ratio of real humans rather than the ratio of educated people. When the proportion of actual human beings will be raised then automatically the proportion of inhumane activities will be cut down.
“When from each home an ideal human being will originate then the picture of the society will be changed.”
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Humanity is the solution to all the problems in the world. Please encourage humanity.