In our day to day life we ignore both our positive and negative habits, but if tuned properly then this habit can give us tremendous achievement in life, career, job, business, family and relationship.

Habit is a psychological process. It starts from a single thread then becomes a bundle which is very difficult to split. In the human mind the formation of habit starts from a single activity then gradually man multiplies his activity. Habits are generally of two kind’s i.e. good or bad habit. The habit reflects in life as positive or negative consequences. Man is nothing but a collection of habits starting from waking up habit, food habit, be ready habit (late or early), talking habit, thinking habit, professional habit, digital habit, financial habit, sleeping habit, addiction or etc. So from morning to night, an unaware man is driven by his habits only. However, those who overcome their bad habit and enhance their good habit can only become successful in their life.
For example, someone is having the habit of getting up late and going to his school or college or workplace late. For this habit, he/she is feeling guilty inside the heart. Many surrounding people also take advantage of this. But few with proper guidance and firm determination overcome this late coming habit. Similarly someone is very talkative and wasting time gossiping and couldn't overcome the bad habit. So end of the year he/she could not achieve anything.
So everyone has good and bad habits. But success comes to those who are very much conscious in choosing their habits, concentrating on building good habits and avoiding negative habits.
Choose your Habit Wisely:
Habit is a self weapon; an extremely powerful weapon, given to every individual, if chosen consciously can lead the person to peak heaven of success or can drag the person to hell. But many are unaware of this powerful instrument! Today “YouAware” will guide you how your habit can play a great role to be successful in life, career, job, business, family and relationship or vice versa.
Self Improvement through Positive Habit:
Habit is a mental practice which has been built over years. It’s like adding bricks after bricks to climb to the top of success. If we add positive habits then it definitely leads to success. Positive habits which are mentioned below if practiced regularly then it will definitely take you towards the goal you want to achieve.
· Preparedness
· Time Management
· Daily Activity Maintained in Diary
· Plan your day and work your plan
· Read something very useful for you, at least for one hour
· Less Talk & concentrate on your work
· Take care and arrange your things in their respective place
· Keep yourself and your surrounding clean
· Exercise & Yoga for physical health
· Meditation and Silence for Mental Health
· Prayer & Belief in Yourself
· Gratitude to others and Selfless Attitude
Suppose someone is having a habit of learning new technology or science or any fruitful topic for one hour each day. Then at the end of the two or three year, he/she may be a giant in technology or science or in any topic. Similarly if someone is having the habit of showing gratitude for every help, he/she receives from others and also always be kind, grateful and helpful in nature then he/she will have a strong relationship and family. Similarly, if someone has a habit of doing exercise regularly then he can have a strong health.
Negative habit obstructs you from achievement:
Negative habit creates a negative pattern, first in our mind, then in our life & surroundings. It’s very easy to develop a negative habit than a positive habit. Because human beings get instant pleasure from a bad habit where a good habit takes a long time to give results...... That’s why individuals are very much attracted to negative habits. But these negative habits are really the trap which deviates you from your goal or achievement. Some of these negative habits are mentioned below:
· Too Much Talking & Back Bitching
· Loud voice & Making fun of others
· Being Jealous and harming to others
· Breaching the trust & privacy of others
· Criticizing others thought and belief
· Watching Too much TV and YouTube
· Uncleanness & Unhygienic Surrounding
· Laziness and too much sleeping
· Riding bikes too rashly
· Smoking Cigar
· Drinking Liquor
· Taking Drugs
Why is it difficult to break a bad habit or continue a good habit?
Most of us want to get rid of our bad habits and enhance our good habits. But very few achieve results in overcoming their bad habit and very few also rarely enhance their good habit. Why does it happen like this?
Ans: Negative Habit is a complex thought pattern in our mind on which our entire psychological and physiological processes are dependent. Take an example, suppose someone is highly addicted to tea or coffee. If he/she does not take tea or coffee at that time then they feel headache, mood offset, not able to concentrate on anything. So once addicted to a negative habit, it is very difficult to break that one.
In contrast, positive habits are very difficult to continue. For example, someone wants to have perfect body shape and he took admission in a Gym. And continue for one week or 15 days, but the result does not come soon. It takes years of time to get that shape. But people always despire about the outcome. But for outcome we have to give our continuous effort where many fail.
How to really overcome a bad habit and continue a good habit?
To overcome a bad habit and continue a good habit three things are very much important i.e. determination, patience and continuity. With firm determination, huge patience and through the power of continuity anything in this world is possible. So within your mind you have to firmly determine anyhow you have to cross this barrier of negative habit and have to enhance the positive habit. This is the first step. Then you have to make a strategic process of how you will leave this bad habit or enrich the positive habit.
For example suppose you want to leave smoking, and then over the night, it’s not possible, each day you have to stop at least 1 smoke or increase the gap between two smoke. Take advice of experts and doctors to guide you through the process. And you have to keep enough patience on this. Similarly if you want to develop a habit of doing meditation, but when you close your eyes you feel sleepy or bored. Sit for 10 minutes with your eyes open and look at any image you love, whether it’s a flower, picture of God or any object just look at that image and first try to develop the habit of sitting. Then slowly you can do meditation.
Best Book on How to Break Bad Habit and Build Good Habit:
To our readers, the best suggestions on the book, which help you to build good habits and break the bad ones. If you are looking to form a new habit then you must read Atomic Habits Book by James Clear. Atomic Habit is, ‘A supremely practical and useful book about habit formation. This book contains four simple laws to help you set and maintain good habits and break the bad routine. This book is completely action oriented. This book contains practical steps and action plans for trying them in your own situation and to practice the ideas directly in day to day life. The key points in this book are:
*Compound Effect - Very small changes over time will have a big impact.
*Habit Building Techniques - Make good habits into routines; use positive reinforcements and other techniques outlined in the book.
*Monitor and Measure - Keep track of your progress and improvements.
End Point:
Being unaware, we have adopted so many habits in our young life for which we repent in later life. And we think that if someone has made us aware from the beginning of our student or teenage life then we may have not made such habits. Rather from childhood, we might only try to build good habits. Because whatever we do from the kid stage that will reflect in our entire life. And it’s very difficult to change old habits or to make a new habit at a later stage. Most people left this earth but could not change their bad habits such as smoking cigarette, drinking liquor, eating sweets etc. They also tell one thing that we can leave our life but can’t leave this habit. So see, how habit plays a great role in life!!! Hence, it’s the essential duty of parents to make their child educate from the very beginning about the habit & success.
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Success comes from habits. Your habit plays a great role in your success.