Spirituality is the key to good mental and physical health. Spirituality builds a mental and physical disciplinary system in our body which necessarily improves health. To know more read the article.

To have a good health is everyone’s dream. Everyone wants to be disease free. But how it can be possible in today’s complex life where everyone’s life is full of complication. Some are having family complication, some are having job complication, some are having surroundings complication and so on. In one and other way everyone’s life is full of mental stress. In order to overcome the stress, some people again jump to another complication i.e. smoking and drinking. And some are going to gym, doing exercise and following the gym diet. It is much better way to keep you physical fit but still we saw many times that after doing so much exercises, some incurable disease attack the body as the root of good health is somewhere else. To have a good health there is a secret key and that secret key is nothing but only spirituality. So let’s discuss below why and how spirituality gives you an excellent health.
Spirituality is not to leave the world, sit and meditate in an excluded place. Spirituality is the way to live in the present world but it makes our attitude and the way of handling the complex things much better than others. Spirituality is the power of positivity, hope, aspiration and belief. Today’s whatever disease we are seeing at physical level, the actual reason of all this disease is in our mental level. So, without dealing properly with this mental stress, the dream of good health can’t be achieved.
How spirituality gives you a good health?
1. Spirituality deals worldly problems :
Today the world has turned into such a position where we can’t change the world and worldly situations. We can’t change anyone. Everyday new kind of problem comes in our life. And when several problems arise in our life, we mentally break down to handle all these problems. Later it affects our body in terms of nervous related issues such as sleeplessness, anxiety, migraine and etc.
Spirituality change our way of looking towards other and towards the situation. Spirituality turns our mind inward rather than outward. When we look toward the problems from the same surface where it arises we can never solve the problem. But when we look the problem just from our inside by detaching the mind for sometime from the problem then the way of approaching the problem is positive and different.
2. Spirituality handels Unexpected Troubles:
Sometimes some unexpected things happen in our life and after that sudden mental worries start in our mind. Then after some days or month it reflects in our health in terms of rupture in our central nervous system, cardiovascular section or certain brain related issues like improper flow of blood to any section of brain and many unknown symptoms. Where after taking lot of medicines also there is no recovery from the ill health.
Spirituality teaches us to accept the things which are not in our control and simultaneously gives us the stamina and positivity to move towards the next step. It gives us the vital strength to remain less affected in most unfavorable situation.
3. Spirituality and Health Miracle:
Sometimes miracle happens that people due to spirituality comes out of incurable disease like cancer, coma, paralysis and many other physical and mental illness. Doctors also surprise to see the exceptional cases. But how it happens? Spirituality develops a very strong belief and faith system in the body. It creates a chain of positive thoughts and hope within the body. When we give positive thoughts to our neurons, positive hormones start flow within the body. A continuous positive environment is generated within the body which easily suppresses our negative disease energy.
4. Spirituality Release Good Hormones:
In today’s life style, the restless mind and continuous worrying thought increases the blood pressure, heart risk, and migraine pain and stimulates some bad hormones in our body which later converted into some harmonic imbalances disease such as diabetics, thyroid and IBS etc.
Spirituality develops the mental calmness and build up good qualities like ever smiling, kindness, politeness and humbleness. Research shows that these good qualities stimulate good hormones like Serotonin, Oxytocin and Dopamine which are the key hormones which keeps us happy and healthy.
5. Spirituality Restrains From Bad Habit:
In order to avoid stress and get instant pleasure usually people smoke and take alcohol which later converted into innumerable diseases like cancer, COPD, hallucination, tremor and etc.
Spirituality teaches you multiple numbers of other ways such as yoga, meditation, spiritual practices which not only counter the stress and negativity but also develop an excellent physical, vital and mental body .That’s why spiritual people never get addicted to bad habit which gives them a good health bonanza.
6. Spirituality Enhances Energy:
Our body has certain level of energy. Due to excessive mental stress the energy level get down.When this energy level gets low then person may feel drowsy, lethargy and exhausted.
Spirituality enhances our energy level. It restores the energy with mental peace.
7. Spirituality and Aging:
Now due to much mental stress, it is observed that people are looking more aged than the actual age.Due to mental stress a lot of aging factors increase in the body such as greying of hair,baldness,loose skin and etc.
Spirituality release anti aging hormones and counters aging hormones .That' why we saw many times that age defeats in the feet of spiritual people.
8. Spirituality and Memory:
Recent study shows that 60 percentage of people aged in the range of 30 to 40 has also shown the significant amount of loss in the memory. Presently due to lot of mental stress, memory power is heavily reducing. Spirituality improves memory and cognitive intelligence.
9. Spirituality Builds Confident:
Nowadays many people are suffering from fear, fear of boss, fear of job, fear of future and etc. This fear is only due to less confidence and negative thoughts. This fear converts into fear anxiety which shows the symptoms of increase heart beat, pulse rate, shivering, sleeplessness, phobia and etc.Spirituality built up the confidence and positivity within a person.Confident and positive people have always less chance of fear.
10. Spirituality improves Decision making :
At present starting from our family, job and surrounding everywhere we have to take quick decisions. These quick decisions always affect our health. If we take the right decision then it’s ok. But if we take the wrong decision then we become imbalance and our anxiety and stress level gets high which again affect our health.
Spirituality develops the concentration power and focusing energy which helps you to take the right decision in less time.
Finally, we must say to have a good physical health, good mental health is absolutely necessary. So be spiritual and achieve good physical, vital and mental health.
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