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How to Choose Right Career: Parents & Students


In this Academic season, choosing the right career is a major concern for both parents and students. Tips for both parents and students to select the best career and make it successful.

How to Choose Right Career?
How to Choose Right Career?

Choosing the right career is often a big worry for both parents and students. Students may be very scholarly but due to wrong decisions in selecting the right career for them has spoiled many talented students' lives. Parents also due to lack of knowledge and proper foresight generally make mistakes in choosing the right career for their kids.

Today “YouAware” will make both parents/ students aware of how to choose the right career.

1. Right Decision At Right Time:

Many parents and students are unaware of at what particular stage they should take the career decision. Several students after completing graduation think about their career. But there are some students who think about their career right from the beginning. Therefore, at what stage we should take the career decision, so that we can achieve a beautiful career???????

Generally there are three most important career phases in a student life i.e. 10th board, 12th Board and then graduation. However making a suitable career decision is very vital, right from the 7th standard. From the age of 12, both parents and students should make conscious decisions in projecting a successful career roadmap. But, in general, both parents and students take career decisions after the 10th board exam. And as there is only 2 to 3 months left, for the admissions into college, in hurry & worry parents and students take admission in any college and they regret after that.

Note: This does not mean that we can never build a career after that!! We can make our career, at any point of our life, but the best part will be, if we will be aware from our childhood, then we can make a better career. Sometimes we also think that if we know it from school days then our decision will be prominent.

2. Which Career we should Choose:

Choosing a Career is a very skillful task. Before choosing a career a student must understand what is his/her core strength. What he/she wants to become in life. Parents also must realize their children’s strength. Most students usually could not recognize their inner qualities and by mistakenly they adopt the career options selected by others. Parents also prompt their children to follow other children’s footprints.

3. Recognizing the True Potential:

Every child is special and born with one Divine Quality. Parent’s foremost duty is to recognize the special gift among their child and guide them best to enhance that quality.

For.ex. Someone is born with good mathematics skills. He likes to spend more time on solving math puzzles. Then parents must understand that their child loves maths. And if they provide them training on mathematics and show them how to build a career in mathematics then he can be a good mathematician.

Similarly someone is very good at literature. She loves to read novels and spends much more time on reading and writing. Then parents must understand that she has an innate passion for becoming a poet or writer. They should guide them from childhood to become a writer or make a career in the literature field.

4. Nurturing the Gifted Potential:

Once parents become aware of the true capabilities of their child then they should nourish it from childhood. And also when a student becomes conscious of his/her passion then they must engage themselves in it to become a genius. Then it’s both parents and children's duty to enhance that quality with proper training and guidance.

5. Making a Concrete Career Roadmap:

When parents/students are familiar with their vision and goal then they must prepare a career Road Map for how to achieve that goal.

For ex.: One student wants to become an astronaut in his/her life and expressed his/her soul desire in front of their parents. Then both parents and students must prepare the whole roadmap “How to become an Astronaut” and what are the colleges which provide the degree in becoming an Astronaut and How to get entry in those colleges and How to prepare for those entrance tests???

6. Role of a Career Counselor:

Role of a real Career counselor is very essential for making a concrete career roadmap. A career counselor can examine whether both parents and students have chosen the right career and suggest them the best career options and also present them with the complete career roadmap.

7. Financial Budget:

Financial budget is a very important parameter in choosing a career and making it successful. Because nowadays, money based education is the biggest obstacle for talented but middle and poor family’s students. Money is a constraint for getting good coaching, affording the counselor fees, and getting admission into reputed colleges. Parents must make some insurance plan available in the market which provides support in studying abroad and providing all kinds of financial support. Parents also must earlier plan some budgets towards making their children's careers fortunate. Students also right from the beginning along with their studies should always try to do some part time job for making their dream accomplished.

8. Money makes the Career but never makes a career for Money:

Parents usually prompt their child to select a career which ultimately gives them a good amount of money in return. They suppress their children's core interest and impose them with a money making career. But without interest, a child can’t be successful in the long run. But if students follow their innate passion, maybe in the starting phase they have to struggle but finally they will get enough money, name and fame, happiness and satisfaction.

For ex.: When someone chooses the singing profession, maybe she could not earn money right from the beginning as a job holder does. But when she continues in her attempt, then money and prosperity both reach to her place.

9. Never Compromise your career for the sake of others:

Most of the students compromise their career for others' criticism. For example, someone is very good at football. But as most of the people say, what will you achieve by playing football??? Nothing will happen!!!! Parents also sometimes discourage their child when they are involved in something of their own interest. But those who have strong Willpower, they continue their passion and make their dream successful despite any hurdles.

10. Continuity and Career:

To continue with the career which we have selected is that much important as we have given time to prefer that career. Because only choosing the right career does not help until we put our regular effort to achieve triumph in that career.We must have that much patience and perseverance to overcome all the difficulties in our way to make a rewarding career.

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This blog should be read by every parent and student to choose their right career.


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