Do you smoke and drink for the fashion then you must know why it attracts you,how you become addicted and the later disaster effect on you,your family and surrounding. Read more.

Now a day’s smoking and drinking has become a latest fashion. To stay in the line of modernity, men and women both are adopting smoking and drinking. It is very sad and surprising to see when both husband and wife smoke by carrying a 1 year child. Similarly in restaurants parents are drinking in front of their 10 year child. All these are happening because the mindset of people has been changed and bad habits has popularized as a trend. As we are all well educated, all of us know the later effect of these fashions. But the problem is that we are thinking that what will happen, it will happen in future. Let’s enjoy for today. And moreover we are not in control of ourselves when we addicted to smoking and drinking? Sometimes we want to come out of the clutch of these things when our doctor gives us alarm. But again these habits pull us.
So let’s discuss why smoking and drinking attracts people? What make them to stick to the bad habit in spite they want to leave it? What is the current effect of smoking and drinking on our body, our family and surroundings?
Why smoking attracts people?
Nicotine is the main stimulant content which attracts people to do smoke. While smoking this nicotine causes the pleasant feeling and remove the unpleasant feeling for some time. Nicotine causes the release of dopamine in the pleasure and motivation areas of the brain. Dopamine is a brain chemical that affects emotions, movements, and sensations of pleasure and pain. If the brain dopamine levels rise, the feeling of contentment is higher. A similar effect occurs when people take heroin or cocaine. The drug user experiences a pleasurable sensation.
Why drinking attracts people?
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means that consuming alcohol reduces, or inhibits, overall brain activity. The most important way alcohol inhibits brain activity is by increasing signaling by a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which inhibits the brain to abnormal degrees. This is why drunk people have trouble walking, talking, and remembering things later on.
Research says that alcohol also increases the production of endorphins. They are also associated with pleasure and reward. In the early stages of drinking, people often feel that alcohol produces a range of pleasant effects by reducing the anxiety and stress. But when the person gets addicted, the person continues to drink despite that alcohol is no longer providing any semblance of stress relief.
Why it is difficult to leave smoking habit?
The American Heart Association says that nicotine consumed from smoking tobacco is one of the hardest substances to quit. It is considered to be at least as hard as quitting heroin. Regular smokers need nicotine to remain feeling normal and suffer from adverse mood without it. They experience normal moods only when their blood nicotine levels peak, with each cigarette. People who regularly smoke and then suddenly stop experience below withdrawal symptoms, which may include
Difficult of Concentrating
A sense of emptiness
Sleep Disturbance
Why it is difficult to leave drinking habit?
There are two kind of neurotransmitter inhibitory and excitatory. The inhibitory neurotransmitters help to calm the brain down, and the excitatory neurotransmitters stimulate the brain, allowing for focus and attention.
When a person drinks frequently, as we know brain inhibits activity by increasing signaling by a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (Gin isABA). In order to counter the increased inhibition the brain will counter by increasing the excitatory signaling through glutamate. The neural activity of glutamate essentially opposes that of GABA and results in a generalized increase in brain cell awaking.
Such adaptations (e.g., secondary excitation that counters the initial inhibition) lead to tolerance in problem drinkers that these individuals must drink more and more to experience the same effects from alcohol. This begins a vicious cycle of increased drinking followed by greater tolerance that eventually leads to dependence and addiction.
As the brain is addicted to inhibition, sudden withdrawal from alcohol shows the symptoms like hallucinations, tremor and convulsions. When they stop drinking, the brain gets so much stimulated that it shows the following symptoms.
Shaky hands
High Blood pressure
How cigarette smoking affects body?
The cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. From these around 60 chemicals are cancers causing chemicals known as carcinogenic. The cigarette smoke is extremely poisonous than the smoke coming from the vehicles. If this much deadly poisonous gas will be pumped into lungs frequently then it will be easily imaginable that what will be the effects of these poisonous gases in our body.
1. Cancer: Smoking can cause cancer anywhere in the body. Smoking causes about 90% of all lung cancer deaths. More women die from lung cancer each year than from breast cancer.
2.COPD: Smoking causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which refers to a group of disease that causes airflow blockage and breathing related problems. COPD includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
3.Aging: Smoking rapidly increase aging process by sagging skin, deeper wrinkles, poor skin tone, loose skin under eye, age spot, hair loss and psoriasis.
4.Cardiovascular disease: Smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It damages blood vessels, make them thicken and grow narrower. This makes the heart beat faster, blood pressures go up and clots can also form. Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease.
5.Type 2 Diabetics: Smoking contributes to type 2 diabetes and poor blood flow to legs and feet. This can lead to infection and result in the need to amputate a limb.
6.Impotency: Smoking is also another cause of impotence which causes narrowing of blood vessels all over the body including those that supply blood to the penis.
7. Hip Fracture: Smokers lose bone density and results in breaking body parts like hip i.e. Hip fractures.
8.Periodontal Disease: Smoking contributes to periodontal Disease, a gum infection that destroys the bone that supports the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults.
How smoking harms women?
In addition to all the effects mentioned above, smoking can make it harder for a woman to become pregnant. It can also affect her baby’s health before and after birth. Smoking increases risks for
Ø Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic Pregnancy is a life-threatening reproductive complication in women that is more likely in smokers. It occurs when a fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus. The egg can’t survive and it puts mom's life at serious risk.
Ø Preterm delivery
Ø Stillbirth (death of the baby before birth)
Ø Sudden infant death syndrome known as SIDS or crib death
Ø Low birth weight
How Drinking affects Body?
1.Cancer: Drinking can affect below part of the body and can cause several type of cancer like Liver Cancer,Colorectal Cancer,Esophageal Cancer,Head and Neck Cancer.
2. Liver Problems: (a) Fatty Liver: Fats gets accumulated in liver when alcohol is consumed in excessive amount, which leads to fatty liver disease. A fatty liver cannot perform at an efficient level which affects the rest of the body.(b) Alcoholic Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver is known as alcoholic Hepatitis (c) Cirrhosis: Cirrhosis of the liver happens when liver cells become damaged that they cannot regenerate. Once cirrhosis has occurred, if a person does not stop drinking, they will experience liver failure which is extremely fatal. (d) Liver cancer is a common outcome of excessive drinking.
3. Brain Problems: The amount of damage alcohol causes to the brain is incomprehensible. It can develop Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome(WKS), a memory-impairing, vision-and-speech-affecting, seizure-causing disorder. Too much alcohol can cause delusions, hallucinations, spasms, lower sex drive, low testosterone, infertility, and extreme fatigue.
4. Pancreas: Excessive alcohol use is a common cause of pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, and it is major risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Heavy drinking also impairs the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin, which can lead to diabetes.
5. Heart Problems: (a) Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle, (b) Arrhythmias – Irregular heartbeat, (c) Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, (d) Raised cholesterol and stroke, (e) Hypertension, (f) Raised blood Pressure and blood lipids.
6. Bones Problem: Calcium is necessary for strong bones but when alcohol is consumed it acts as a diuretic and flushes calcium from the bones making them weaker and more susceptible to fracture. Drinking alcohol accelerates the rate of bone deterioration and increase the risk for bone fracture and osteoporosis.
7. Central Nervous System: When alcohol is consumed excessively, it can cause cell damage in the central nervous system, creating a condition known as neuropathy. Neuropathy causes alternating feelings of weakness, burning, pain and numbness in the feet and hands.
8. Colon: Consumption of alcohol causes adenomas in colon which are firstly develop as tumors and later it can be precancerous.
Note: Along with all the above effects women also have other additional effects such as breast cancer,fertility problem like their baby may have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders(FASD),sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and many other fatal diseases.
How smoking and drinking affects your family?
Ø Smoking and drinking parents have 90 percentages of chances for their children to be addicted to smoking and drinking.
Ø Those who smoke, their family members are affected as passive smokers. Passive smokers have the 80 percentage of chances to accumulate the smoking related disease. If there are small kids are in home, the can easily affected by respiratory and congestions related problems.
Ø Smoking and drinking invariably affects in the financial budgeting of the family. Because the addicted person can leave the family but very difficult to leave the bad habits.
Ø Smoking and drinking also degrades the social reputation because these bad habits pull the person to bad company and bad temperaments.
Ø The consequences of smoking and drinking are always bear by the children. As they have to face the all the bad outcomes of these bad habits.
If we sit to write the effects of these two on family then another article will be typed. In our relatives, friend circle and in our home we have seen the tragic end of the persons who had addicted to these habits.
How smoking and drinking affects surrounding?
Before there were essays on climate pollution by the smokes coming from the vehicles. Now the essays should be written on the “environment pollution caused by the cigarette smokes”. Smokers are freely smoking on road, shops and public places and making difficult to take the fresh air for the kids, elder people, ill person and non-smokers. They are indirectly pumping the poison into the body of all person surrounded by them. After the smoke, for half an hour, poisonous radiation radiates from the smokers. Now most of the corporate people do smoke, after smoking they come with chew gum in their mouth but the harmful radiation coming out from their body make the entire workplace air poisons. Similarly drinking increases the road accidents, vulgarity and crime in the society because those who drink are not in their control.
So called fashion of smoking and drinking has neither a single good effect on yourselves nor on your family and surrounding. Rather you are awarding the dreadful disaster to your body, family and surrounding. Nothing is impossible in this world if you really want to make it. If you really want to come out of these evil habits then you can. But if you will think these evil habits as modern fashion and trend then ultimate suffering only you have to take.Think about your child before you do such things. What you will tell them if tomorrow they will join with you in this bad company?
Read it and share it, so that maximum people can be aware by it.
Very very essential information for our younger generation