Root cause behind present student’s mass deviation and the solution is explained in detail.

Recently the school in Bangalore checked the bags of students which shocked the entire nation. The school authorities also could ‘not imagine that their students have adopted such habits. Parents also said that they are not aware of when their children have chosen this path.
Let’s just brief you on this matter. One surprise check that was done across several schools in the Bangalore city, to check cell phone use inside classrooms, ended up stunning authorities of several schools in the city. Besides cell phones, authorities found condoms, oral contraceptives, lighter, cigarettes, whitener and excess cash in bags of students in classes 8,9 and 10. Also, there was alcohol in water bottles, “KAMS general secretary D Shashi Kumar Said.
Some schools conducted parent-teacher meetings after this incident. Parents were equally astounded about the sudden behavioural change. Choosing to handle the situation carefully, schools issued notice to parents. Instead of suspending students-recommended counselling. Though we have counselling sessions at schools, we asked parents to seek help for children from outside and granted leave for up to 10 days, the principal said.
After this buzzing incident many people have shown their reactions in social media & news channels. Schools became strict for students and parents became watchful for children. Then gradually everything became normal and the media hosted the next sensational news. But have you ever thought about why these students are addicted to such a path, from where they have learnt such things, what is their real problem and how to deal with them.
Today “YouAware” in this blog article will make you aware of the root cause behind today's teens mass fluctuations and solutions behind it.
1. Poor Parenting:
Parents are the first teachers of their children. Both mother and father are equally responsible for a child’s upbringing. From walking to talking, eating to sleeping, a child observes his close personnel and imitates them. That’s why it is always recommended to the married couple to properly train themselves before becoming a parent. Because to become a parent you must have the knowledge, how to nurture your child in a constructive way and how much good qualities you can develop within your child through your parenting. And gradually you have to evolve yourself as a responsible, loving and ideal parent.
But due to lack of awareness, with the birth of a child, parents impose their parenthood on their children. Where parents are not able to come out of smoking, drinking alcohol, telling lies, laziness, watching movies & web series, extramarital affairs, violence and lack of control on senses, behaviour and mind then how can they expect good behaviour from the child???
Home is the first school of children. It is the foremost responsibility of parents to create peace, harmony, pious and jovial environment at home which is very much essential for a child's mental wellbeing. A real need of a child is from the conceiving to 13 years. If you would have dedicatedly spent this time with your kids, taking care of them, guiding them what is wrong or right and shaping them in a positive way, then definitely it will give a return in the right age. As most parents are unaware of this, they suddenly try to control their child from the age of 13 or 14 and complain about their child, why is my child like this!!!!!
In addition to this, divorce among parents puts children in mentally distressed condition. For the development of a child, both mother and father are required. But due to lack of mental incompatibility, many couples go for separation after having kids. It creates a deep emotional hurt, within the sentiment of a child. So after having kids, both husband and wife must priorities their child's happiness, because it was their decision to bring a child to this earth.
2. Present Society:
Today’s Society is the second most responsible factor for teens' destruction. After home, a child perceives a lot of things from society. In consequence, it has been noticed a child from an innocent family commits wrong actions because of societal influence. In present society smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, Live-In relationship has become a fashion. On the roads you will find wine shops, cigarette advertisements and obscene posters. There are no restrictions to erotic music, vulgar movies, and the live-in relationship of boys and girls before marriage.
When students are seeing all these things in their society, what is the impact on their mind? As elders, have we ever thought of this? Compared to the 20 years back society, eventually the purity and sanctity in society is missing. In paucity of culture, day by day societal pollution is happening, which hampers the children’s moral growth. .
3. Education System:
Today’s education system is third most responsible for today’s student’s malfunctions. Because schools take care of subjects and academics but there is no strong foundation for student’s character building. English teachers take care of English improvement, maths teachers take care of Math score but where do students get the environment for self-improvement? Where they have been given the proper education on how to train their mind, how to make good habits, how to do self-control, how to handle teenage temperaments, how to restrain from bad habits, etc.?
Instead of training students properly on abstinence, schools and colleges are busy in producing students, who are only academically good and can score high marks. In absence of proper knowledge, students are becoming aimless and getting addicted to adverse route and attending suicides. Today’s educational system is more focused towards the completion of syllabus and silent about the ethical progress and psychic evolution.
The aim of education should be the raising of a student's character along with percentage of marks. If a student will be of good nature then he/she will be beneficial to their family, neighbours, peers and society. But an awful persona will always be a danger to society. Before schools were like temples where ideal students were generated who were doing works for the improvement of society and were praised all over the world. For example, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, APJ Abdul Kalam, JRD Tata and many more leaders.
4. Modernity and Social Media:
Currently the ghost of modernity lies in everyone’s mind. As a result of rapid progression of social media, everyone wants to be ultra-modern in their lifestyle. These days’ simplicity has become an outcast village term. Wearing small dresses, making stylish haircuts, smoking cigarettes, drinking cocktails, co-living, extramarital affairs has now become a trend. Those who do not follow this, they are treated as backward. Movies & web series are highly promoting these repugnant subjects. And celebrities are creating a huge impression in children’s minds by stimulating all these malign things in society.
Contrary to the inner advancement students are following the outer advancement path. They want to be ultramodern, famous and popular at this stage of life. This is creating a huge pressure among students. This pressure must be reduced by making them aware of the real meaning of life, how to handle criticism and concentrate on their inner self. As parents are also not aware of core self, they influence their kids to follow others without nurturing the hidden talent within their kids.
5. Exposure to Mobile & Internet:
During Covid-19 due to mobile exposure, students get access to the internet. They got entries on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube and various other social media. Those who are conscious parents properly guide their kids on mobile and internet and check the suspicious activities of their kids on the internet. Before there was a restriction on what content should be broadcasted in TV. At present in social media there is no such restriction on featuring objectionable contents for which there is a whole over rise in Juvenile crimes.
And moreover there are some web series like K-series or K-Drama, Black pink trends on YouTube and Netflix which basically promote the adultery and homo and heterosexual behaviours in teenage girls and boys. It pollutes the innocent minds of students. And once the students get exposure to this kind of mental environment it’s very difficult to make them understand the reality behind fantasy and romance.
At the student age where they should learn chastity. The present time exuberates students to get addicted to sensual things. Many parents also support such programs by saying what is the harm in watching such things and kids must know all these things!! But by promoting such kinds of activities through their children, they are spoiling other student’s lives along with their own kids.
With the excessive use of mobiles many students are also addicted to games. As we saw the blue whale game, how it spoiled many ignorant lives. Similarly, the children in India are repeatedly targeted through these mobile and internet to have some unsound addictions. Once honest students get caught in obsession, it’s very difficult to take them out of these habits. They are becoming very aggressive and attaining suicide on small provocations.
Solutions of Today’s Teens Problems:
Above discussed the root cause behind today’s youth’s aberration. But what is the solution? For the solution we have to consider all possible aspects.
First, parents need to be ideal. Because from an ideal family, ideal children will develop. Second, society needs to take care of moral development and promote good things and restrict bad things as well. Third, the education system must concentrate on character building along with academics. Fourth, social media should take care of the content published on its sites. Fifth, movies and web series should not promote immoral things which pollute society or cause societal pollution. Sixth, the most important thing is to create good habits of children through a spiritual environment.
Parents must take their children to Spiritual places where the child will learn good things like positivity, austerity, self-control, meditation and chanting. Schools along with the academics must conduct spiritual programs and make their students understand about the meaning of life, purpose of life, mind and its nature, how to do self-control, how to improve good qualities and how to develop inner self.
Seventh, the most important thing is a true guide and counselling coach for children. Counselling is not always about mental illness. Due to lack of guidance, students are deflected from their route. But with the help of a real guide, the same student can be transformed and do many great things in life! So if we take care all the parameters then definitely, students will be reformed. But to improve children how far you are improved that question you must ask yourself.
If your child is facing such kind of issues you can contact our counselling services “The Counsellor “at: 8904496909.
Due to lack of guidance students are deflected from the route. With the help of true guide the students can be transformed.