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Technology is crossing the best creature of the Universe 'Human' in his ignorance.


Do you know how technology is crossing your intelligence,how you are labeled by technology and how it overpowers you in every aspect of your life. To know more read this article.

Technology is crossing your intelligence
Technology is crossing your intelligence

Now technologies are evolving day by day. New technologies are replaced by older technologies. In this 21st century, technology herd has been created. Technology has benefited us in many aspects of our life. But there is also a dark side of technology which affects human life in his ignorance.

Technology is gradually surpassing our intelligences in our unawareness. And we are so much addicted to the technologies and lost our intellectuality that the day will not be so far, when the Universe will declare that in the evolution process “Technology is the best creation in the world and Human being is an obsolete word”.

Let us discuss below one by one the dark side of the technologies.

1. Reduction of Cognitive Power :

The cognitive power of individual brain is slowly declining. If all the things are arranged by the technology then mind doesn’t analyze. After that, mind steadily loses its reasoning power and becomes dormant. And once mind accepts the sluggish way of life it refuses to reason out and use its own intelligence power.

2. Addiction is bad habit:

We know that addiction to something or someone is very bad habit. But now if we look to our self, we are addicted by technologies. We can’t act a single moment without our electronic gadgets like mobile, laptop and we can’t breathe a single moment by using what’s up, facebook and other social media.

Adaptation is good but addiction is bad. But we know very clearly that how far we have adopted and how far we are addicted.Once the mind gets dependent on something it refuses to function without it and always clings to it.

Our identity is based on the technology we use

3. Our identity is based upon the technology we use:

Now a time has come that we are identified more by the technology we use rather than by our own individual identity. In our friend and colleague circle we are recognized by the technology we are using.Let's Start from our Job designation which is based on the technology we are working, by the mobile which version we are using apple or android, by the laptop which latest processor technology we are using and etc.

4. To get a Job you need to be expert in a technology:

Now a days jobs are not based on human intelligence and human managing capacity.

Now jobs are entirely based upon how far you are expert in a technology and how good you are in managing the technology. Today human talent has no value rather the talent in technology is appreciated.

5. One technology become obsolete thousand employee figure will be cut down:

As jobs are technology based, one technology came, it hit the market. In the competition market to get a job most people learn this technology and some get the job. But the tragedy comes when suddenly that technology has shut down its operation or merged with another technology or become obsolete then thousands of employees who were working in this technology also become obsolete in the market. At that time recession comes in the market.

6. Survival of the fittest in the techno market:

The more you have updated yourself in the technology that more you are having the value in the market. Without technology, it is difficult to switch from one job to another job.

7. Technology in baby creation:

It’s very sad and upsetting that these days human beings are dependent on technology for child production. Now a days, sexual capability of human beings are decreasing day by day.

8. Automation:

The automated machines are inventing to reduce the manpower used in manufacturing industry. The World Bank's World Development Report 2019 shows evidence that the new industries and jobs in the technological sector outweigh the economic effects of workers being displaced by automation.

Human beings will become the forefather of technology as monkey is the forefather of human being

One day was there, when human beings were honored in the universe, as the ‘best creature in the earth’. They are admitted as the final creature in the evolution process as they have the super brain, high intelligence, cognitive power and supreme intellectual energy. But now the best creature of the earth is in the crunch of the technology.

Though technology is the human creation but technology supersedes the human brain. Technology is moving in such a speed that entire human race is falling behind the technology. So how far the day will be when in the evolution process human beings will become the forefather of technology as monkey is the forefather of human being.We should use technology but should not be used by the technology.


Technology should be utilized in curing the incurable disease, pollution handling, climate forecasting, reaching to the other planets and cosmos, to meet the natural calamities and many such unaddressed issues. It should not be used as a weapon of destructiveness, reducing the manpower and giving unnecessary technology burden which can easily be done by human beings.

So now the choice is upon you be the super creature in the evolution process or surrender to the technology.

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