The huge pressure on students from parents and school is pushing them into negative mental health like depression, anxiety, stress and insecurities.

In the competitive world, the burden upon students is surging. In this younger age, scholars are going into depression and stress. They are having fear and insecurities towards their future. This sort of negative mental health is ruining our future generation where many talents are attempting suicide. Realizing the pain of students, “YouAware” aware you how to create a positive mental health environment around our students.
Before going to the depth discussion first understand what mental health is?
Mental Health:
As you have physical health corresponds to your physical body. Similarly, you have mental health corresponding to your mental body. Mental body is invisible unlike the physical body. But this physical body is governed by the mental body. The mental body includes your cognition, thought, imagination, perception, behaviour, feelings and willingness. Each person differs from others in their thought, perception, behaviour, dealing towards others and situations. Unfortunately, our education system educates us regarding our physical body, but silent upon the mental body.
Just as you have good or bad physical health. Likewise, you have positive or negative mental health.
Positive Mental Health:
An individual with positive mental health always be positive, confident, clear, focused, peaceful and happy.
Negative Mental Health:
Negative mental health traits are depression, fear, insecurity, self-doubt, nervousness, anxiety and stress.
Role of Surrounding Environment upon Mental Health:
Scientifically this mental health is highly influenced by the circumambient. Your circumferential environment plays a very great role in the formation of your mental health. If you are exposed to a positive environment where peace, love, harmony, togetherness, motivation, expression, creativity will be there then you feel, your level of confidence will increase. Your mind will be peaceful. Your fear will go away. You feel that you have a space on this earth where you want to live.
Similarly, when you are exposed to an environment where audacity, provoke, hatred, ruthless, discouragement, angry and dominant feelings are there then you feel very disheartened, depressed, stressed, fearful and insecure.
Equivalently for a student, the surrounding is their home, school, coaching institution and friends. That is their circumstances upon which the mental health of a student depends. Now it’s our sole responsibility as a parent, teacher, guide, friend and philosopher what kind of environment we are imparting to our future generation!!
Role of Academic Institution:
The academic institutions, along with studying, should take care of the mental health of students. Academic institutions instead of making a harsh & rough professionalism behaviour they should take a humanitarian, positive and integrity approach in their institutions. They should create an atmosphere of equality, promoting the talent of each student, encouraging and motivating students, organising spiritual discourses, showing them the path how to do better in studies and life.
But, nowadays most of the educational institutions are completely business and profit oriented. The motive behind almost all educational institutions is money. They are treating students as their source of income rather than a qualitative resource. In the process of commercialization, the internal environment of educational institutions is getting polluted, which deeply affects the mental health of students. And students are getting deflected from their path. They are feeling depressed, stressed after entering such academic institutions.
Role of Teacher:
A teacher plays a very great role in a student’s life both in a positive or negative way. A teacher’s word in the classroom is always more important than his teaching. A teacher can build or destroy the lives of thousands of students.
All pupils are emotionally not equal. Some are very sensitive and some are daring. But a word has the power to strengthen a weak student and to discipline a careless student. So, a pedagogue should always give personal attention to every disciple. They must motivate and encourage their juniors to be fearless. How to face competition? They must guide the scholars in their positive words. One word can give healing and relaxation to every learner: “You can.”
Role Of Parents:
After 7 to 8 hours in school, students stay at their home. Home atmosphere plays a very significant role in the mental health of students. When the parents are not caring towards the child's emotions & always demotivating them, it badly affects the mental health of the child. If parents are always comparing their child with other children, criticising them, it creates a fearful atmosphere in the kid’s mind.
Some parents quarrel badly in front of their kid, which poorly upsets their kids’ emotions. Some beat their child on low performance. Some parents are very dominating. They want their child to follow only their footprints. Most of the parents are not conscious regarding their role as parents!! They are only the biological parents. A child has no way to escape from this situation because all his livelihood depends upon his parents. But it disturbs a lot in the mental health of child, latter some become adamant, some become fearful and some do suicide.
In the home for the betterment of your child, you should maintain a nice decorum with happiness and jovial coordination. You should love your child, listen to their problems, and nicely speak to them about their strengths and weaknesses. Give your hundred percent to make your child overcome their weakness and strengthen them from within.
As a parent, teach them good things. Because you can make your child engineer or doctor but can’t make a good human being. If as a parent, you have understood your child's emotions, properly guide him/her, make them confident, nourished with positive mental health then these children are your future, who will take care of you in your need.
Role of Life Coach/ Counsellor:
A life coach /counsellor is an experienced person who has broader knowledge on different aspects and stages of life. They can amiably guide parents and children on how to overcome the negative mental health trait. They will help to create a beautiful positive mental health atmosphere around your child. They can guide students on how to happily face challenges in life, always be stress free and self-motivated.
For the knowledge of our readers, from last year we are imparting the life coach/counselling service to many parents and kids, where much of them are benefited. And we are happy with our efforts. At least we have created a positive mental health atmosphere for some children.
YouAware, as a guidance counsellor will guide the society to properly take care of our future generation. If we, as elders, have taken the steps to create a positive atmosphere for our younger generation, then these younger generations will foster and enshrine and lead the next beautiful World.
If you want our parent & child counselling, then write your issue to our mail id: or WhatsApp us on: 8904496909. Thank You.
Very nice n informative a days study pressure is more so students need proper guidance and environment to maintain healthy mental state.keep writing such type of article dear rojalin madam
Very very knowledgeable information.Please share these types articles more and more.Thank you
In this competitive age, the positive mental health atmosphere is absolutely necessary for students.