Mental illness is the root cause of physical illness.Incurable disease like BP, Diabetics, Spondylosis are only the reflection of prolonged mental illness like stress, anxiety, depression, fear and insecurity. To know more read the article.

We always give importance to physical illness but ignore mental illness. But these mental illnesses are the root cause of physical illness. Now days whatever incurable disease we are seeing at physical level like BP, Diabetics, Spondylitis, Gastritis and Migraine are nothing but only the conversion of prolonged uncured mental illness to physical illness. So let’s discuss, what are those mental illnesses which if left uncured later converted to lifelong painful diseases?
1. Stress:
Stress has now become an inseparable part of life.If someone will say, can you lead life without stress? May in outside to impress others we can say, yes, we can lead a life without stress.But inside we are telling to ourselves, it is impossible! Now in the so complex and busy schedule life, how can one be stress free?
But to lead the stress free life, first we must understand, what is stress? What are the symptoms of stress? What are the effects of stress? Am I really stressed? So let’s first discuss,
What is stress?
Stress is nothing but which is overburden. Man carries out his normal activity in ease. But which feels like overburden that become stress. Man feels the things which are not of his interest, a burden for him. Let’s explain it with a good example. One person loves painting too much but to earn money he choose a job in the company. And when he works in company for 10 to 12 hours then it becomes a stress for him. But the same person when he does painting for 24 hours he enjoys it.
Type of stress:
There are two types of stress, one is positive stress and another is negative stress.
Positive Stress: Positive stress is taken for others. For ex. doctors, soldiers, social workers, and writers they work for others. In positive stress it won’t affect body. Because when we work for others in a serving attitude, positive energy flows within us and also good vibes from others enhances our energy level.
Negative Stress: Another is negative stress, in which we work for our self from morning to night only for our own benefit. In negative stress it affects body as it is a selfish motive.
What are the symptoms of stress?
Stress affects the central nervous system of body. As the spinal system is the major nerve system, we found some disturbances in spinal cord and pain in the body. So whenever we are more stressed, we feel the pain in major nerves like pain in shoulder, neck, head or back pain.
Sometimes we are not able to move our neck, our shoulder become stiff and hands give lot of pain or sometimes serious back pain.
What are the effects of stress?
Stress as normally affects the nervous system. It invariably results in nervous system related disease, such as spondylosis, sciatica and migraine.
Are you really stressed?
How to know if you are going through stress, answer some of the questions below then you will get to know whether you are stressed or not ?
Do you really feel your work as burden?
Are you doing the work which you really love to work?
Are you spend more time in the work in which you are not interested?
Do you want more leisure from your work time?
Do you get pain in your neck, shoulder, head or back often?
If you feel your work as burden, if you are not doing the work which you love, if you do overtime in your office work, if you want more leisure from your work and if you get nerve related pain then you are suffering from stress. And if this stress will remain uncured then later it will convert into spondylosis, sciatica, migraine or any other nerve related issue.
How to overcome stress?
Stress can be overcome by the choice of your work, the way of work and the purpose of your work.
If you love your work, then there will be no stress.
If you are involved in selfish and greedy work then you will definitely have the stress. So it’s better to minimize the selfish act and involve in selfless work.
Always work within your limit, working beyond your limit will break down your nervous system.
2. Anxiety:
Anxiety is a very subtle form of mental illness which is very difficult to recognize. If you ask anyone that are you suffering from anxiety? Then the answer will come," No, I don’t know, what is Anxiety “? So, let’s explain anxiety in detail, what is anxiety, effects of anxiety, am I suffered from anxiety, how to come out of anxiety?
What is Anxiety? : As we know anxiety is a very subtle form of mental illness which is very difficult to recognize. Anxiety generally reflects in two way i.e. fear anxiety and desire anxiety. Fear anxiety generally appears before exam, interview, speech presentation, checkups and facing different new people in our life. And desire anxiety is a kind of anxiety, craving emotion and longing for something in which our brain is always engaged. Let’s explain it practically.
Fear Anxiety: Fear anxiety is a mixed emotion of anxiousness, worriment and fear.
Anxiousness + Worriment + Fear = Anxiety.
Every one of us experiences this when we are going to appear exam, interview, speech, major medical checkups or facing any new person.
Desire Anxiety: Anxiety is also an expression of desire. Desire is the main cause of anxiety. Desire is necessary but when it converts into over desire and fulfillment of desire in short time then it converted into anxiety. Let’s explain it with more practically.
Suppose you are doing a job with 3 lakhs package. But you want now 6 lakhs package. It’s good to get more packages. But when you seek it day and night and repeatedly get worried about how I will make 6 lakh packages. Similarly when you seek for luxurious flat, car, jewelry or any high position that craving emotion and worrying thought converts into anxiety.
Craving Emotions + Worrying thoughts = Anxiety.
How Anxiety affects body?
Anxiety is attached with emotional level. Emotion arises from heart. Anxiety always increases the pulse rate, heart beat and blood pressure. When anxiety increases we feel shivering in body, chest pain, emotional stoke such as sudden dysfunction in hand or leg or brain. Many students fails to deal with the anxiety during examination. Due to anxiety many people now a day’s don’t get good sleep.
How do you know if you have anxiety?
Do you steal fear to present yourself before anyone?
Do you steel worried for your next day presentation or interview?
Do you have number of worrying thoughts for your future?
Do you crave to become rich or fulfill your desire in very short period of time?
Are you getting proper sleep?
How to overcome anxiety?
1.Anxiety is nothing but the fear of future. To overcome anxiety you have to combat your fear for future happenings. Let’s take an example, tomorrow is your client presentation. But you are worried from past 2 days that how I will present and whether client will be happy or not? The fear of future result is creating anxiety in present circumstance.
2.Anxiety can be reduced by confidence. The more you will be confident, the less will be anxiety. Confidence can only be created by proper hard or smart work in the present.
3.Reduce your unnecessary desire. Because over desire brings anxiety. Suppose you have one car, now suddenly your desire for another car comes which is unnecessary. But to fulfill it again you are going into the chain of anxiety.
4.Don’t expect result in short period of time. Everything needs certain time as a seed needs time to grow similarly every wish needs certain time to fulfill. But the expectation of overnight result generates anxiety.
3. Depression:
What is Depression? : Depression is a kind of mental illness which attacks human mind for certain period of time without his ignorance. In depression period, suddenly you feel low, sad, alone, inactive, nothing will give you happiness. You will not know that you are in depression but only feeling that you are not feeling well.
What is the reason of depression?
Depression may attack due to
Repeated Failure
Failure in achieving the desire thing
Lack of express
Mental dissatisfaction
Trust broken by near & dear person
Poor Relationships
All are the reasons of depression mentioned in the above list. Depression attacks when expectations do not meet by the surroundings. So day by day those impressions are stored in the subtle mind which comes to the surface in form of depression.
What are effects of depression?
Depression is a psychological disease but it appears in physical form in sleeplessness, migraine, lethargy, and other mental disease.
How do I know if I am depressed?
Depressions are very difficult to diagnoses but if you are conscious little enough then you can at least identify that you are into depression.
Feeling low and inactive
You will like to remain alone
You will like darkness
An emptiness in surrounding
You may feel sleepy but in some others cases depressed people don’t get good sleep. So irregular sleeping pattern is also one key to identify the depression.
Nothing gives you happiness
How to overcome depression?
1. To overcome depression, the first step is to identify that you are in depression.If your friends and colleagues are telling you, some changes and distance from them, then first you should identify whether you wantedly maintaining the distance or its due to feeling low and inactive.
2.Expression is the best remedies for depression. If something goes beyond our imagination its human nature to go into depression. Some people won’t express this and take everything into their mind. Express it in writing or through prayer or to true friends. Then you will feel light.
3.Acceptance of the unwanted situation is the best solution for depression. If you accept any failure or unprecedented things in your life then depression won’t come .Due to unacceptance of certain things like why it happened to me, this question itself drags you into depression.
4.Hope is the medicine for depression. The lack of hope invites depression. So always gives your mind a positive hope.
5.Positive thought will always counter attack and helps you to quickly come out from depression. More positive you are in your life less depression will come to your mind
4. Fear :
Fear is a natural phenomenon which has been incorporated in human mind. Fear of boss, fear of Job, fear of disease and fear of aging is also common in today’s nature. But now a day’s fear has become one of the challenging mental illnesses due to the “fear of future”. Now everyone is having fear for the future, what will happen in future if I will be failure in doing this.
What are the effects of fear?
Fear increase the anxiety in the body and develop anxiety related health issues such as increase heart beat, pulse rate, sleeplessness,phobia and etc.
How to overcome fear?
1. List down all your fears. First analyze is this fear related to future or present? If it is related to future then keep it aside. Because first present is important which builds our future.
2.Fear comes due to two reasons i.e. less confidence and some weakness or shortcomings. List down your shortcomings which are making you less confident. For ex. you fear to give presentation. Reason out why you fear, is this for your communication or body language or you fear the comments of your boss. So what are your shortcomings, work upon that and overcome your fear with confidence.
3· Right knowledge combats fear. Always sick the right knowledge which reduces your fear.
4·Always think fear is not due to outer person or circumstance. Fear is within you. No one can make you frightened if you are fearless.
5. Insecurity:
Insecurity is a type of mental illness where one people feel inferior complexity than others. For ex. Some are having inferior complexity due to their body complexion, height, job position, material possession and etc.
Why insecurity arises?
Insecurity arises when one person compares himself or herself with another. It also arises when one feel that I am low to that person in any quality.
How insecurity affects?
Insecurity first converts into making us unhappy, depressed and low. Then later it converts into jealousy which is another mental complexity. To fight our insecurity we joggle with our self how to beat the other person or to do harm to that person. It creates anxiety, stress and negative emotion in our mind which invites nervous system related disease.
Suppose in a team there are 4 members. The team leader always praises the two members who do very well. The other two members feel very insecure and later their insecurity converted into jealousness .They always tried to harm the other member. Day and night they think about harming other rather than their own progress. This creates the negative emotion, stress, and anxiety within mind which later reflects in bodily diseases.
How to overcome insecurity?
1. To fight insecurity, first point is that everyone is unique and special in his/her nature.
2. Be what you are,never try to be like others.
3.Don’t compare yourself with others.
4.Concentrate on your own good points.
5.Appreciate others good quality without feeling low. Because when you appreciate others for their talent then automatically it boosts your good quality.
6.Make your mind broader, positive and open for everyone then you will see you will not find any insecurity.
Note:You can go through our article, "Health & Spirituality",which describe how spirituality enhances good mental and physical health.
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