Exam time has arrived where many aspirants’ effort will be calculated in this exam session. You might have worked hard but with some minor mistakes all your attempts may fail. So”YouAware” has come up with the “Top Eight Golden Tips For The Success in Your Final Exam”.

Last Minute, Last battle but who will win and who will lose it depend only on, how a student utilizes his/her brain in the exam hour. Many students work hard throughout the year for exam but fail to manage the question paper in the exam hall. Whereas some average students perform very great in the exam. So what is the trick? Why after so long preparation plentiful students could not so proficient in the final assessment? “YouAware” aware you on some practical things where abundant of students fail to manage. With the tips of “YouAware” not only you will feel confident but also when you will implement these tricks then you can add a difference to your hard work. Parents also must be cautious at the final war. All parents must be aware on these tips and make their child shielded with right weapon to get the success.
Tips No.1 – Never discuss anything before going to Exam Hall.
Many students have the habit to discuss with their friends before going to exam hall. Some ask questions to their friends whether these answers are correct or not. Some explain formulae, equations and theorem. In that argue many students get confused. Suddenly anxiety level rise in their mind that they have not remembered this formulae or they have not concentrated well in this chapter. Likewise in the groupthink before the exam, fear produced within the mind of students.
This end moment debate not only breaks student’s mental equilibrium but also make them worried. That’s why those who are really intelligent they keep them calm, quiet and confident. Neither they discuss nor do they gossip anything. Because conversing at the last moment creates mental tension and some students even forget what they have studied before.
So students always before exam keep yourself calm, quiet and confident with whatever you have studied. Never think that the last minute discussion will benefit you in any way. Be pleasant, smart and positive before entering the exam hall. Parents also must aware on this they should never encourage their son or daughter to engage in such discussions. Rather they should motivate their young’s with positive and motivational words.
Tips No.2 – Be silence and meditate before receiving the question Paper
After entering the exam hall and before receiving the question paper, student’s mind should be in relaxing mood. Several students get nervous at this time. Their heart beat rises and panic level is on peak.
In order to avoid all these things students must take some deep relaxing breaths, keep them silence and meditate for few minutes in exam hall. Parents also must train their boys and girls in breathing and meditation techniques to make them stress free in the exam hall.
Those who are spiritual seeker they can chant the name of Lord in their mind. Chanting bestows aspirants with a high amount of energy and equilibrium.
Tips No. 3 – Read the question paper carefully and attentively.
Give at least 5 to 10 minutes to read the question paper carefully. Many students read the first one or two questions. If these questions are difficult then they immediately become frightened. And if the questions are easy then they become over excited. They don’t read the question paper fully.
So it is always advisable to read the question paper carefully from beginning to till end. When you will read the question paper carefully, you can examine the real attention of the questioner.
Note: Questioners always want to make students confuse. They set the questions level difficult to score mark. Their main intention is to examine student’s equanimity who can handle both hard and easy paper. Now it’s the task of student’s that, how they will maintain the tranquility in handling the question papers.
Tips No. 4 – Giving the Proper Answer
Giving the right answers of the question set is a complex task where many students break down.While reading the question paper you can simultaneously tick the question mark which you can answer very well. Mark it as 1, 2, 3, the sequence you are going to answer. Leave the difficult questions to the last part. Several students struggle to give the answer of difficult questions first and then due to lack of time they could not even answer the easy questions which they can.
Many students attempt the question at first sight but latter they realized that they have given the wrong answer. It’s happen only due to over anxiety and over excitement. So always read the question thoroughly, figure out what the question demands, plan your answer and then right your answer accordingly.
Tips No.5 – Time Management
Time Management is the most challenging task that we all aware. How students always fall short of time in giving answer we all are acquainted and also we have faced this in our life. That’s why “YouAware” advice you to divide the time as per the credit of the question.
For ex.
Long questions – 10 mark – 15 to 20 minute
Short Questions – 5 mark – 6 to 10 minute
Objective questions – 1 or 2 mark – 30 second to 1 minute
Special Note: And those young’s who are giving entrance exam for their dream careers must be especially very alert. They must be highly concentrative as their attempts will be assessed in objective questions. There is also negative marking for wrong answers. Time management, Speed and Accuracy are three essential key for success in entrance exam. It is always advisable for the dear aspirants to give equal time to each segment and answers those questions which they are really confident. Never waste your time in difficult and lengthy questions.
Tips No.6 – Don’t leave any question
Sometime the questions are so tough that it goes beyond the student’s imagination. But in that situation it is always wiser not to lose patience. Read the question twice or thrice and try to give the related answer. It may not be accurate but it should be interlinked to that question. Instead of keeping blank and scoring zero for the question, if you will write something relevant then you can achieve some marks for this.
Tips No7 – Don’t leave the exam hall before the end time.
Due to lack of patience, many juniors leave the exam hall before the exam ends. But if you will seat and try then you can at least recollect something from memory. And you can give answers of some more questions.You can also revise your answer paper in that time. Where you can easily sort it out that how much answer you have given and how much you will score.
You can tally the question paper with your answer sheet. Many times it happens that in hurry worry we thought that we have given these questions’ answer but in practicality we left that. While revising your answer paper you can easily figure out your own faults and mistake and also have time to rectify it.
Note: But never cut the answers which you have given in the fresh mind. Some in the last moment cut their whole paper in confusion.
Tips No 8 – Arrange your answers in most beautiful manner
Always give point wise answer of the question rather than writing big paragraph.
Highlight the main points with underlines.
Make the boxes for formulae.
Proof the statements or theorems step wise.
Make diagrams or sketches which draw more mark.
All prepare for exam. But success comes to them who can put his/her preparation finally in the exam. Success or failure never matters. The only thing it matters if we have done so much hard work then why can’t we conclude it in very good way ! When our so long hard effort will be examined in 3 hour then why can’t we give our best effort in this exam hours? Due to fickle mind or inattentiveness when we lose some mark or score less then we always feel ourselves guilty for the whole life. Parents also always blame their child for the poor performance. Instead of putting blame, parents should first properly prepare their child for the assessment .Last but not the least; it is the human tendency to consider the luck for any misstep. But dear aspirants, luck is not made by chance; it is your hours and hours of effort. So we should always struggle till the last moment to build our own luck. But if you still fail then don’t worry knowledge never wasted and opportunity never stops.
“YouAware” Wish all the aspirants all the very best for final exam”.
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