Unity in Diversity is not a phrase, but it’s a concept of reality which everyone must realize to achieve the ultimate peace & happiness.

Day by day, all over the world, disputes are rising. In each and every country, people are suffering from multiple dilemmas. Whether it may be democratic country or it may be communist country or it may be socialist, in every country, problems are there. Crime, corruption, exploitation and discrimination are now the major issues, all around the Globe. On one side, the whole world is progressing in technology & digitalization. And in other side, the same world is facing multiple crises like racism, war, terrorism, slavery & Human Trafficking. Nowhere, there is peace. Everywhere people are screaming for equality, Justice, peace, survival and happiness.
But have we ever thought how to establish peace, equality and justice in society? In the present circumstances of racism, inequality and intolerance, what will be the future of our society???
Will this technology & digitalization, present education or democracy solve the real world human problem????
Can we achieve a World free of unfairness, corruption, cruelty, crime, murder and rape??........
The only answer to this question is that yes, from civilization to civilization, we are trying to achieve it and it’s our dream to build a society where under one roof, everyone will be united despite color, caste, creed and religion. We want no more boundaries; we want one Globe where only love and compassion will rule in each and everyone’s heart. No more selfishness, no more crime, no more murder and no more threat. There is only respect for each other and everyone is happy in serving others.
But again another question comes up in mind: how is it possible??
In this World, where people of different color, different community, different religion, different administration, different language and of different opinion, how to stay united in this diverse world!!!!!!
Today “YouAware” aware you of the root cause behind this diversity and the real solution to establish “Unity in Diversity.” So that we can achieve a “society of equality” where each individual will explore his/her own self in each & individual other self. And then only the love and compassion will be established among all.
Education System & Ignorance:
The root cause of these entire problems is ignorance. It is only due to ignorance, we are not able to achieve happiness from this earth. Its’ due to ignorance, we are not aware of our own self! We are not able to find what we are really capable of! We are just leading a life, in a pattern, where we are just flowing, as per the time and ultimately we are saying, nothing is in our control!!!! It only seems that life is leading us, not we are leading our own life.
The only purpose of the Education system should be recognizing us, our “true self”, and our potential and real capability. The education system first must establish peace within our heart by realizing us, our true origin, our purpose of life and integrity of life. Without establishing peace in individual self, harmony can never be established in society.
But our present education system only makes us aware of how to do a job and make money. It makes us educated on technology, science, math, computer, history, geography and etc. But it failed to educate us on our true self, the purpose of our existence, our inner strength, our potential, our mind and our intellect. Present education system is simply silent on the most important subject “WHO Am I”?
It’s only due to lack of awareness of “individual self “, youths are not realizing their core strength and they are not satisfied with their life. That’s why; they are indulging themselves in drugs, smoke, alcohol and sex for joy. They are mercilessly choosing the path of crime for earning. They are cheating others and doing murders. And in such a way, the pillar of crime, murder, rape, corruption and terrorism have been implanted. The Global issues are nothing but only the reflection of ignorance & faulty education systems.

But when the education turns into self-education then the problem dies. This self education only can “empower a self” and build a “society of equality”, which is the dream of everyone.
Today human beings are experts in technology, science, computer, mathematics, biology, art, culture and everything. But only one thing, they are not aware of i.e. their own individual “Self”.
It’s due to lack of self education, the human is not able to identify the individual self presence, in all individual entities. It is the same self present everywhere. Then how can one be brutal to another, how can one kill another, how can one cheat another??
What is Self Education?
Ø Self education is the education to know yourself properly and fully.
Ø Self education makes you aware of your thoughts, emotions, strengths and weaknesses.
Ø It identifies you with your own existence in this universe, your creativity, your own intellect, mind and power.
Ø It opens up the door of “individual consciousness” to “universal consciousness.”
Ø It recognizes you with your true identity without which you are feeling incomplete, unhappy and unsatisfied.
When a human, through self-education, once becomes aware of his/her true identity and his/her real existence then he/she gets rid of all kinds of suffering, all his/her trouble disappears and he/she experiences the true joy and happiness, which is the aim of each and every human being.
Ancient Culture & Self-Education:
In our ancient system, the education system was concentrated upon the self-education where boys and girls were sent to separate “GURUKUL ASHRAM” to acquire self-knowledge from the age of 5 to 25.
In this Gurukul Ashram they have been taught about “WHO am I”. First they study about their body, mind, intellect and soul. Then they practice in the GURUKUL the principle of “Self-Discipline '' and “Self-Control” to realize the “individual self”.
When they realize about themselves then they explore their infinite possibility and true happiness in serving the World. They serve the community, the region, the country and the World in the same “self-consciousness”. That’s why they were able to establish peace in the world. There was purity in their work and novelty in their character.
Women were worshipped as Mother. Women had a very great role in society with wisdom, knowledge and self-power. At that time, No one cheats other, no crime, no murder, no rape and no threat. There was no fear of “survival of existence”. Because each and everyone was aware of their "own existence."
But today in this modern world everyone is in fear of his/her own existence. Everyone is worried for their survival. Men, women, elder and younger everyone struggles out to prove their own existence in the World. In this process, many cheat other, many kills other and many do suicide. It’s only because they are not aware of their “self-existence” due to lack of “self-education”. Kids from a very small age are also in fear of how to prove themselves in front of their parents.
Self-education & Equality:
It is due to lack of awareness that individuals see others as different. It’s due to our present educational & societal culture; we are identified from our body, our complexion, our caste, creed and religion. We also identify others also from their body, complexion, caste, creed and religion. Therefore as many different castes, different religions our level of difference also rages.
But through self-education, an individual identifies himself/herself beyond the body, beyond the complexion, beyond cast, creed and religion. He/she identifies himself as a soul, the same soul which resides in each & individual entity. His/her vision expands. His/her consciousness unites with each & every consciousness. He/she sees himself in others.
I & You are one.
The whole world is one.
There is a single one which is present in everyone.
Only we have to be aware then only we can see “Unity in Diversity” and all the walls will disappear.
End Point:
Self-education can only establish peace in the society. Men & Women can be aware of their own duty and role. Everyone will perform their role without any conflict of interest. Everyone will be positive in their attitude. As long as human beings are not aware of their own self, inequivalence will shor in society. So the, present demand is once again promote the ancient education i.e. Self education.
“Self education is the only need of this time and the key solution to every societal problem.”
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Self education is absolutely necessary for the society. Basically Self Education should be imparted from the very beginning of our education.