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Why Disease and How to Get Good Health?


Globally, health is a crucial concern. Nine out of ten persons are suffering from one or other critical diseases. Please read the article, "why disease and how to get good health?"

Human Aura
Human Aura

Now health is the biggest concern for everyone. You may be a millionaire but if you don’t have good health then life becomes unpleasant for you. In this 21st century, health is a major issue. Everyone is suffering from one or other health issue. Globally in each and every decade the whole world is also experiencing the health crisis through any epidemic like Ebola, Swine flu or pandemic like Spanish flu and recent Corona Pandemic. Now all of us have realized the value of good health. In addition to our overall experience, we have firmly observed that it’s not the money that can bestow you with good health or can save your life!!! Rather a good lifestyle, self control and hygiene principle can make you healthier in every perspective.

Today “YouAware” will inform you of the root cause behind the disease and how you can achieve a good healthy life!!!

To cure a disease, first we must understand why and how we get disease. Without knowing the reason behind the disease, it’s very difficult to cure the disease. Though, today the modern medical science has achieved a success in many medical cases but still our medical science is silent in incurable disease like Cancer, Diabetics, Psoriasis and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) where doctors are not finding the proper reason behind the disease and that’s why they are not able to permanently cure these diseases.

So First understand, what is disease?

For a common man, disease is understood when it appears in the outer physical body in any form of pain and physical insufficiency. But in reality, disease is only the outer expression of any inner physical, vital or mental illness.

Sri Aurobindo Says, “An illness of the body is always the outer expression and translation of a disorder, a disharmony in the inner being; unless this inner disorder is healed, the outer cure cannot be total and permanent.”

And he adds,

“Disease is needlessly prolonged and ends in death oftener than is inevitable, because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon the disease of the body.”

Why and how disease attacks the human body?

Our physical body is surrounded by the vital body and governed by the mental body. The vital body is nothing but the bundle of our nervous system and also called Aura. A disease occurs when the nervous envelope system breaks down and our mental body perceives that something has happened or becomes weaker then the symptom appears in the physical body.

Sri Aurobindo Says: Attacks of illness are the attacks of the lower nature or of the adverse forces taking advantage of some weakness, opening or response in the nature. They first weaken or break through the nervous envelope, the aura. If that is strong and whole, a thousand million germs will not be able to do anything to you. The envelope pierced, they attack the subconscient mind in the body; sometimes also the vital mind or mind proper- prepare the illness by fear or thought of illness. The doctor themselves said that in influenza or cholera in the Far East 90 percent got ill through fear. Nothing to take away the resistance like fear. But still the subconscient is the main thing.

[An ‘aura’ is an emanation from the subtle bodies of man, projecting beyond the space occupied by the physical body. It is oval or egg shaped, and is visible through ‘Kirlian’ photography or to those with clairvoyant vision who have developed their psychic power to a higher degree.]

Nervous Envelope:

The vital body surrounds the physical body with a kind of envelope which has almost the same density as the vibration of heat observable when the day is very hot. And it is this which is the intermediary between the subtle body and the most material vital body. This vital body protects the body from all contagions, fatigue, exhaustion and even from accidents. Medical science also now recognizes that if you are in perfect vital equilibrium, you do not catch illness or in any case you have a kind of immunity from contagion. (Sreema – The Mother)

And she adds:

This Vital body is built up, on the one side, of a material basis, but rather of material conditions than of physical matter, on the other, of the vibration of our psychological states. If this envelope is absolutely strong and intact, you can go into places infested with the worst of diseases, even plague, cholera, and remain quite immune.

How to Get Good Health?

In our ancient civilization, our ancestors always concentrated on this vital body and kept their nervous envelope intact. They follow all the self disciplines to maintain the high vital force. They simultaneously take care of their physical, mental and vital health. But today due to the advent of modern medicine and by lowering the belief system on ancient philosophy, today the whole world is suffering with bad health.

Below are discussed the key elements to achieve good health.

1. Natural Food:

Now in this modern civilization, we are all attracted towards synthetic food and ignoring our traditional food items. Vegetables, fruits and milk are the high vital energy provided food. But instead of that people are addicted towards packaging, synthetic and non-veg food items.

The best food is the one which is taken in the form in which nature provides it. The more we cook the food for making it palatable, the less is its nutritional level.

The major part of the diet should contain raw fruits and vegetables- cooked to the minimum. Because it’s easy for digestion and provides high vital energy. Non-veg food items consume more energy for digestion and make the body lethargic after consumption.

2. Water:

Water is the vital necessity for life and health. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. It is a constituent of blood and other vital body fluids. Water plays a key role in elimination of body waste and regulation of body temperature. The adequate water intake is 30 ml/kg body weight in a person with normally functioning kidneys and heart.

Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive. But we all must ensure that water we drink must be clean and free from contamination. That’s why it’s always advised to boil the water and keep it in a close container. Always take water in a bottle while going outside. Drinking lukewarm water is extremely beneficial.

Mostly it has been observed that people drink water from anywhere without thinking its hygienic condition. This is the water content, if unhygienic then lead to many chronic illnesses like typhoid, Jaundice, Irritable bowel Syndrome and other stomach diseases.

3. Sun:

From the ancient time, the Sun is worshipped as the basic source of energy for the life manifestation in the earth. Just as a plant will whither away without sunlight, a human being deprived of it will be pale, wan and sickly. Even though people in cold climates take sunbathing for cosmetic reasons, it is a must for revitalizing the human body.

Sun is the major source of Vitamin D. Nowadays people are avoiding Sunlight and spend most of the time in the Air Conditioning Room. But as the body does not get its proper vitamin, so sweat does not come out and health issues such as loss of hair or baldness, fatigue and lethargy, indigestion and neuro-diseases are increasing.

Surya-namaskar is always recommended by Yogic- Practitioner to restore and energize the body. Offering water to Sun after bath also gives an auspicious feeling.

4. Air:

A man may survive without food for a week, without water for days, but he cannot survive the lack of air for more than a few seconds. The ozone in the air helps the lung to cleanse our blood of carbon oxide.

Air plays a very great role in the purification of our blood, improves our psychological state of mind, reduces stress, gives you confidence and enhances creativity.

A place where you live in or you visit where fresh air will be then you will feel extremely energetic, instance happiness and a state of bliss from within.

But today due to extreme modernization and industrialization, the pollution in the Air is adversely affecting each and every person in this globe.

5. Nature:

Nature is the powerhouse of vital energy. Tree, flower, Ocean, River, Mountain, birds and domestic animals such as cows are the major contributors towards our vital energy. But today we have closed our life in a four wall building!! We are living a life without these natural ingredients that’s why our vital energy is too low and a major percentage of the population suffers from chronic disease. A greenery and natural environment heals much incurable disease.

[Note: Human body is made of five basic elements from the nature i.e. Eather or Akasa, Air or Vayu, Fire or Agni, Water or Jala, Earth or Prithivi. That’s why nature plays a very great role upon our health. In our ancient system, its due to the real nature balance, our ancestors are blessed with a good health. ]

6. Cleanliness:

Cleanliness is absolutely necessary to lead a healthy life. Taking bath regularly, wearing neat & clean clothes, staying in a hygienic home and eating hygienic food always have a very positive effect on your health. And that’s why it’s always said to keep the patient in a clean and hygienic place, so that they can recover easily from the illness. If you keep yourself clean then the feeling of disease will not easily catch you. On the contrary, those who stay in unsanitary conditions, they catch the disease very soon.

In this pandemic situation, we all have witnessed the value of sanitization. Not only in the current pandemic situation, but also in the ancient Vedic civilization, our life culture was completely based on cleanliness, where bath was compulsory in morning and evening, must clean hands, mouth and face before taking food and no one takes outside food. There are also several rituals and instructions to clean the physical body, house and also the premises they reside in.

7. Yoga & Pranayama :

Yoga & Pranayama along with the above six basic principles always stabilizes the human internal-body mechanism.

We are not aware of the food that we eat, how it gets digested, how we breathe and how our heart & kidney function.

But Yoga and Pranayama revitalize our internal organs; they supply a good amount of oxygen to each and every part of our internal organs, control our hormone level, regulate our breathing process and strengthen our nervous envelope.

8. Meditation:

Meditation simultaneously supplies energy to the physical body: the mental body: and the vital body. It strengthens our nervous envelop and immunizes our mind against any disease thoughts. It releases good stabilizing hormones within us and enriches our brain with the high amount of oxygen which essentially flows through our nervous system and nourishes the each and individual atoms within our body. It makes us calm, peaceful and happy from within.

9. Mental Health:

We always take care of our physical body but due to lack of awareness we always ignore our mental body. But whatever physical illness, we saw the root cause of all physical illness is mental illness.

Anger, frustration, envy, jealousy and violent reactions are as harmful as worry. When a man is angry, there is too much adrenalin released into his blood stream-hence the higher blood pressure, a quickened pulse, dry mouth and a purple face.

Similarly a negative feeling of Hatred, Malice, Revenge, Agony, Excessive Lust, Rage, Jealousy, selfishness, fear or depression changes the aura of a person and so on affect the chemical and internal physical harmony of the body which appears latter in form of many incurable physical disease.

That’s why it’s always recommendable in the spiritual process to cleanse the negativity from the mind (Dosha or Vikar) and convert it into the humanistic quality of love, kindness, compassion, truth and devotion.

10. Power of Thought:

Thought has a tremendous effect on your body and health. Thought generates electromagnetic radiation in our body and influences the chemical reaction in our body. Thought has a powerful healing effect at the cell and atom level.

The mind is the master of the physical being…Only one doesn’t know how to use one’s mind. The mind has a considerable power of formation and a direct action on the body. For as soon as the least thing goes wrong, the mind begins to shape and build all possible catastrophes. Well, if instead of letting the mind do this disastrous work, one used the same capacity to give confidence to the body, to tell it that it is just passing a disturbance, I shall be well; I am and shall be all right. Sreema (The Mother)

11. Self Control & Good habit:

Self Control is very much essential in having good health. Self control is the greatest tool to shape out a healthy lifestyle. In each and every activity of our life we must have self control. We must have control over our food, sleep, speech and physical desire. If these four tasks will be sincerely regulated then one can achieve superb health.

Habit is such a thing which is initiated by us but slowly it gets the full control of us. That without fulfilling our habit, our mind does not function well.

People who have a habit of tea and coffee, if they don’t take tea or coffee, then they get the headache. Similarly people who have a habit of drinking alcohol and smoking are aware that it will badly affect their health but still it’s very difficult for them to leave their habit!!!!

12. Human Values & Selfless Service:

Human Values have always a tremendous effect on your body, mind and soul. It’s only the practice of the human values such as compassion, kindness, truth, righteousness, love and benevolent, our ancestors were able to lead a long and healthier life. But today due to excess greed and lust, human beings are forgetting the real value of humanity and that’s why more is the suffering.

A generous soul lives a rich, abundant life. Seva neutralizes negative emotions that affect immune, endocrine and cardiovascular functions. Act of selflessness creates a physiological response or “helper’s high “that makes people feel stronger and more energetic and counter harmful effects of stress.

13. Spirituality:

Spirituality is the real foundation of healthy and disease free life. Spirituality heals illness from mental, vital and physical level. It regulates our food, sleep, mental and vital habits. It makes us understand our own body, mind and emotion. Spirituality teaches us how to use our body, mind and emotion to achieve the highest vision of our life. It is only through the spiritual discipline we can live a healthy, disease free, purposeful and happy life. When we start leading a life without the spiritual foundation and spiritual practice, then it’s only foolish to start thinking of good health.

End Point

To lead a good healthy life, we have to lead a conscious life and follow all the discipline to make us disease free. Life without any principle always breaks down sooner or later. Parents must educate their child and motivate them towards a self control life. We all should work towards the reservation of nature and our ancient culture. Nowadays everyone is too anxious towards a life of their own desire where they can eat whatever they want, they want sleep whenever they want and they want every freewheeling!!! But we are forgetting, one most important thing that this body is not ours. It is the gift of God. We are blessed with this body for a certain period of time to lead a purposeful human life. But when we are thinking this body is ours and treating it in our own way. Then we also have to take all the consequences.

“Health is a state of physical, mental and social well being. Man should be healthy, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually, mere absence of disease is not health. (World Health Organization)

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