Exclusive Services
After a long run in the Digital Market, “YouAware” brings exclusive services for our customers. It’s a great opportunity to provide information about the services we deliver. Looking at the present need in the society we serve the following services.
1.Counselling (The Counsellor)

After doing a long research, we found the root cause of the ninety-nine percent problem is lack of awareness and guidance at the right time. So keeping this thing in our mind we have started our counselling service (The Counsellor) where we counsel your problems and impart right guidance. We provide
Personal Counselling
Career & Job Counselling
Marriage Counselling
Parent & Child Counselling
Modern Astro & Vastu Counselling
Mind & Mental Health Counselling
Spiritual Counselling & Healing Meditation
Dispute Counselling
2.Kids Memory Empowerment:

We have done a depth research on kid’s mind. We found that every Kid is gifted with special brain power. Only we have to identify and nurture it. Many parents are not aware of their kid’s strength. And most of the Kids face problems in Memorizing subjects, Concentration, Reading, Learning and Speaking. So we introduced a kid’s special program which includes.
Parent and Child Counselling
Memory Enhancement
Concentration Improvement
Fast Reading
Learning Efficiency
Confident Speaking
Kids Special Meditation
Creative Writing
3.Conscious Career Beginning

Conscious Career helps you in taking the perfect career decision. Most of the time both students and parents are not aware of how to make the right career decision. They repent after taking the decision. So, here we will guide both students and parents right from the beginning to make a conscious career decision.
We conduct an intelligence test for students. We counsel students to understand their real potential and strength, their academic details, their interest area and suggest the best suitable career decision for them. We will also guide you on how to achieve your career goal. Conscious Career work in 3 wings
§ Kids level (Know your talent)
§ Intermediate level (Conscious Career)
§ Entrepreneurship Level
4.Women - Know your power:

From home to office, walking on the road to transportation in the cab, everywhere in this 21st century women suffer a lot. From the dictatorship era to this democratic era, the anguish of women has not been reduced. It's only because women are still not aware of their power. In this segment we will make you aware of your power. Because we believe when you are aware, you are empowered.
6.Digital Marketing & Entrepreneurship Training:

In today’s internet era, digital power is the real power. In Covid19 situation, you all witnessed that those who were digitally empowered only survive and succeed in that critical condition. So corporations need digital strength to empower themselves. Observing the present trend & specialization in the global market. We provide training on following Divisions:
Digital Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Digital Analytics
Social Media Analytics
ELearning Solution
Corporate Films & Videography
Entrepreneurship [We give training to start-up entrepreneurs on the dominant parameters to stand up their business in this competition market. Now in this entrepreneur era, most individuals want to start their own business. But before starting any business, you have to estimate some important parameters. So that you can sustain your business without any loss.]
5.Corporate Service -Specialized Research & Writing:

After a long run in the current content market as an innovative blogger “YouAware”, we feel content is power. To represent your business, you need good content which satisfies your customer and communicates better. That’s why in the present web content market, we provide specialized research content with the following content solution:
Creative Content
Technical Content
ELearning Content
Marketing Ad Content
Social Media Content [Linked In, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube]
Podcast Content
Script Writing
Story telling